Creating and Managing Reports
The Report Wizard enables users to select different types of reports to report on PTC RV&S items. Each report available in the Report Wizard is a report recipe that determines what wizard panels and PTC RV&S item information display. Depending on the report recipe selected, users can define different kinds of information for their reports. PTC RV&S provides sample report recipes that you can use as a base to create custom report recipes that include only the data you require. Recipes reside on the PTC RV&S server file system.
You can view and manage administrator-created reports from the PTC RV&S Administration Client, under > .
A report template is the intermediate output between the recipe and the displayed report. It resides in the
PTC RV&S database, and can be extracted from the CLI and used to create reports. For more information, see
Exporting and Importing a Report Template.
Users generate reports from the PTC RV&S client, and administrators generate reports from the PTC RV&S Administration Client.
PTC RV&S Reporting Framework
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