Installation et configuration de l'agent > Running Agent Windchill RV&S from the CLI
Running Agent Windchill RV&S from the CLI
To start the Agent Windchill RV&S from the CLI, use the (mksagent in Linux) file with the start subcommand. The file also provides additional administrative functionality for running the Agent Windchill RV&S.
The file is located in the following directory:
where installdir is the Agent Windchill RV&S installation directory.
The command syntax is as follows:
mksagent subcommand
where subcommand is one of the following:
console starts the Agent Windchill RV&S in console mode as an application only without the service, as specified in:
install installs the Agent Windchill RV&S as a Windows NT service.
remove removes the Agent Windchill RV&S Windows NT Service.
restart restarts the Agent Windchill RV&S service.
start launches the Agent Windchill RV&S service (Windows) or daemon (Linux).
stop stops the Agent Windchill RV&S service (Windows) or daemon (Linux).
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