Installation et configuration de l'agent > Before Installing Agent Windchill RV&S > Agent Windchill RV&S Installation and Configuration Checklist
Agent Windchill RV&S Installation and Configuration Checklist
Agent Windchill RV&S Installation and/or Configuration Step
Related Requirement
Understand Agent Windchill RV&S
Understand how Agent Windchill RV&S works.
Install Agent Windchill RV&S(s) on remote machine(s)
Install Agent Windchill RV&S to the applicable directory. The Agent Windchill RV&S installer is located on the Windchill RV&S DVD in ../Installs/agent.
If necessary, uninstall Agent Windchill RV&S.
Configure Agent Windchill RV&S
*Restart Agent Windchill RV&S after configuration
Specify your chosen security realm in the file (MKS Domain is not supported, use Flat File instead).
Add users ( and groups ( if Flat File security realm chosen.
Enable logging, if desired.
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