Installation et configuration de l'agent > Agent Windchill RV&S Security > Encrypting Agent Windchill RV&S Passwords
Encrypting Agent Windchill RV&S Passwords
For specified Agent Windchill RV&S passwords, the Agent Windchill RV&S can run with plain text passwords or an encrypted password configuration. For more information on the encryptpassword application, see the topic Migrating to Encrypted Server-side Passwords
Encrypted Agent Windchill RV&S passwords provide an additional level of security by eliminating plain text passwords that can be viewed in the Agent Windchill RV&S files.
Encryption of Agent Windchill RV&S passwords is independent of the transport protocol defined in your security scheme.
The following Agent Windchill RV&S passwords can be encrypted:
Password Encrypted
Found in Properties File Under installdir1/

1 Where installdir is the path where you installed Windchill RV&S Agent

Migrating to Encrypted Agent Windchill RV&S Passwords
By default, Agent Windchill RV&S is installed with passwords configured in plain text. If you want to change the default installation and run with encrypted Agent Windchill RV&S passwords, you can use the encryptPassword application to modify the Agent Windchill RV&S files for password encryption. The encryptPassword application is located as follows:
Before running the encryptPassword application, you must first stop the Agent Windchill RV&S. After you run the application and restart the Agent Windchill RV&S, the system will then use encrypted passwords.
When the application is run, if the Agent Windchill RV&S is running in the default plain text password configuration, it migrates the Agent Windchill RV&S to the encrypted password configuration; if the Agent Windchill RV&S is already running in the encrypted password configuration, it encrypts any Agent Windchill RV&S passwords that are in plain text and writes them back to the file in the encrypted format.
To run the application directly and migrate to encrypted passwords, specify encryptPassword with options as follows:
encryptPassword -e|--encryptPassword
./encryptPassword -e|--encryptPassword
encryptPassword runs the application for password encryption.
-e|--encryptPassword specifies the option to migrate the system on the Agent Windchill RV&S from plain text passwords to encrypted passwords. If the Agent Windchill RV&S is already running in the encrypted password configuration, this option specifies to encrypt any remaining plain text passwords. For example, encryptPassword -e.
For a list of the passwords that are encrypted by the encryptpassword application, see To change encrypted passwords on Agent Windchill RV&S.
The following procedure outlines the syntax for encryptPassword where no options are specified and you are presented with a text menu to guide you through the migration process.
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