Filtering Data
To quickly find data whenever a selection is required, such as assigning a user to a user field or selecting a Sandbox to view, Windchill RV&S provides a data filter for fields, lists, and views in the GUI and Web interface.
All instances of the data filter include a text filter that allows you to type a text string, becoming more specific as you type. For example, for Show users containing, you can type James.
In some instances, the data filter includes attribute filters that allow you to narrow your search results by searching for specific attributes. For example, you can filter by users that belong to a specific group.
Using the data filter is analogous to constructing a sentence that tells Windchill RV&S what you are looking for. For example, for Show projects containing patch that are active, you would enter a patch number.
In certain views, you can create your own filters. You can also pin filters so that they are always applied to the view.
Selected data and active filters persist each time you open and close the GUI or Web interface. For fields and lists, previously selected active data is bold in the results list and displays in the selection list. For views, selected data (active and inactive) displays in the results list.
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