Type Property Fields
Type properties contain the following fields:
Name contains the name of the type property.
Value contains the definition of the type property.
Description contains an optional description for the type property.
You can perform the following operations on Type properties in the right pane of the Edit Type, Create Type, or Copy Type dialog box. For more information on navigating to the dialog boxes see, To Create a Type in GUI, To Edit a Type in GUI, and To Copy a Type in GUI.
Table 9. Operations for Type Properties
Create type property
Select the type property, right-click, and click Create. The Create a property dialog box displays.
Edit type property
Select the type property, right-click, and click Edit. The Edita property dialog box displays.
Copy type property
Select the type property, right-click, and click Copy. The Copy a property dialog box displays. The default name is Copy of <sourcename> where <sourcename> is the name of the property copied.
Delete a type property
Select the type property, right-click, and click Delete. Click Yes to the confirmation dialog box.
You cannot undo deletion of a type property.
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