Administration du serveur > Item Type Attributes > Using Type Properties > Defining Type Properties > Configuring Display of Text Content in the Outline Pane of DocStudio
Configuring Display of Text Content in the Outline Pane of DocStudio
Windchill RV&S provides a type property that allows you to display text content of a desired field in the Outline pane of DocStudio. Using the MKS.PrimaryTextField property, you can define the display of desired field content on the nodes in the Outline pane. The field specified for the property value must have a FVA field whose backing item is a text field available on the type.
If the MKS.PrimaryTextField property is not defined, Windchill RV&S searches for the first FVA field whose backing item is a rich text field associated with the References relationship. The content of this rich text field is displayed as plain text on the nodes in the Outline pane. If a FVA field with rich text field as backing item is not found for the item type, then the content of any FVA field whose backing item is a long text or short text field associated with the References relationship is displayed in the Outline pane of DocStudio.
In the absence of MKS.PrimaryTextField property, Windchill RV&S selects any FVA field whose backing item is a rich text field, long text field, or short text field randomly without any specific order. The content of this field is displayed as plain text on the nodes in the Outline pane. PTC recommends using the MKS.PrimaryTextField property to display text content of the desired field in the Outline pane of DocStudio.
The Outline pane in DocStudio displays the field content as plain text only on the nodes.
Key consideration while defining MKS.PrimaryTextField Property
While configuring a primary text field for the MKS.PrimaryTextField property, ensure the following:
The field exists on the server.
The field is a FVA field.
The FVA field is backed by the References relationship field.
The backing field is a Text field.
An appropriate error message is displayed if any of the above conditions is not met.
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