Adding a New Parameter
You can add new parameters while creating or editing an item, or while creating a related item in Item View and in DocStudio.
Parameters appear in a tabular format in the Item View and in DocStudio. The section under which the parameter table is displayed is based on the layout of the presentation template.
1. Open the item in the Item View or in DocStudio.
2. Click Edit.
To add a new parameter in the Item View:
In the Item Edit view, navigate to the tab that contains the Parameter field and click in the Parameters table.
The Add - Parameter window opens.
To add a new parameter in DocStudio:
In the DocStudio edit mode, navigate to the Parameters field and click in the Parameters table.
If there are no previously added parameters, the Add - Parameter window opens.
If there are existing parameters, the Edit - Parameters window opens.
Click .
The Add - Parameter window opens.
3. Select New.
4. Type the name and description for the parameter.
5. Select the data type for the parameter.
To add a parameter of the String data type:
a. Select String.
This parameter type is selected by default.
To add a parameter of Pick List data type:
a. Select Pick List.
An empty row is created by default. You can add a parameter value to this empty row.
b. Type the required value.
You must add a unique value to the pick list.
c. To add more values, click .
To reorder values, select one or more values, and click or to move values one level up or one level down respectively. The reorder icons are enabled when one or more values are selected.
To delete one or more values, select the values and click . The icon is enabled when a parameter value is selected.
6. Click Add.
In DocStudio, the Edit - Parameters window opens. A new parameter is added to the first row in the Parameters table.
Click Proceed.
7. Click Apply and then click Save.
After you have added the parameters, they are visible in the Parameters field.
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