Refreshed Web Interface > Editing in the Refreshed Web Interface > Working with Relationships > Creating a Related Item in the Split View in Item Edit Mode
Creating a Related Item in the Split View in Item Edit Mode
You can create item content in a split view by clicking in the item edit mode, if the item is in Grid View. On switching to the split view, the primary item is shown in the left pane and the item being created is shown in the right pane. To quickly create a related item, drag and drop fields from the left pane to the right pane.
Click to revert to the original single pane view.
When working in a split view, keep the following considerations in mind:
The split view is only supported for browser zoom levels up to 125%.
The split view is not supported on the iPad.
Fields that can be dragged to the right pane, have a drag handle to the left of the field name.
When you drag a field from the left pane to the right pane, the eligible fields in the right pane are highlighted with a green border.
For rich text fields, drag the field onto the field name in the right pane.
For relationship, attachments, and parameters fields, drag the items onto the eligible field tab in the right pane. Use the drag handle beside the item to drag a single item. To drag multiple items at a time, select the items and drag the items from the left pane to the right pane using the drag handle of one item.
You can only drag and drop fields of a similar field type in the right pane. For instance, you can drop a text field on a text field in the right pane. However, you cannot drop a text field on an integer field in the right pane.
When you drop text fields from the left pane to the right pane, a dialog box appears, that allows you to choose between replacing the content, or appending the content to the field in the right pane.
Select Replace to replace the already existing content with the new one. Select Append to add the content within the field next to the already existing content.
If the corresponding field is not visible in the right pane, drag the field from the left pane to the right pane and move the cursor to the bottom of the right pane so that the right pane starts scrolling. Drop the field on an eligible field once it is visible in the right pane.
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