Refreshed Web Interface > Defining Custom Actions in the Refreshed Web Interface > Generating the JSON Files from Existing Published ViewSets
Generating the JSON Files from Existing Published ViewSets
To make the configuration easier, instead of manually creating the customactions.json and commands.json files, the administrator can reference already created custom actions in the Windchill RV&S client for existing published ViewSets.
The administrator can run the following command to generate the two files:
im diag --diag=getCustomActionsConfig -param=viewSetName="<MyViewName>" --output="<OutFolderPath>"
In this case, the two JSON files will be created based on the viewSetName parameter at the path specified in the output parameter. For instance, "D:/Tmp1".
To create the JSON files for all ViewSets, change the param value as follows:
im diag --diag=getCustomActionsConfig -param=allViewSets --output="<OutFolderPath>"
The command will result in the creation of the two JSON files based on the custom actions set for all the published or named ViewSets in the Windchill RV&S client.
The target key in the customactions.json file might have a value of none if the views cannot be mapped to supported Refreshed Web Interface views.
The administrator can modify the two created JSON files as per the requirements.
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