User Help > Grouping Files Under Version Control > Viewing the Net Effect of Change Package Entries
Viewing the Net Effect of Change Package Entries
si viewcpentries
Review all operations that occurred on a selection of open or closed change packages or all change packages for a selection of items using the Change Package Entries view. The view offers a visual representation of the operations that occurred on the same archive. The view groups change package entries together by archive location, project location, variant, and server. All groups are collapsed by default to display a summary of the latest change package entries. Expand any group to see all operations ordered by timestamp.
Select a single change package entry in the view to review the cumulative net effect of the changes using a View Member Differences option. Use the information displayed in the view to identify changes related to a certain feature or investigate defects resulting from those operations.
You must customize existing Windchill RV&S viewsets and the right-click shortcut menu to enable the view option in the Windchill RV&S client. Viewset and shortcut menu customization is saved and remembered the next time you access the client.
To customize existing viewsets, in the Windchill RV&S client, select ViewSet > Customize. On the Actions tab, select Configuration Management > Change Package > View Change Package Entries to make the option visible in the Change Package menu. Then, on the Views tab of the Customize Developer ViewSet window, under Configuration Management, configure Change Package Entries View as floating or docked. The view is docked by default.
To customize the right-click shortcut menu, right-click on an item or change package entry and select Customize This Menu. Click Add Action. Select Configuration Management/Change Package and then select View Change Package Entries.
For more information on customizing viewsets or shortcut menus, see Customizing a ViewSet or Customizing Shortcut Menus.
Key Considerations
In the Windchill RV&S client GUI, you can select either change package IDs or Windchill RV&S item IDs but not both for the Change Package Entries view. You can use the si viewcpentries command to include both change package selections and item selections. For details on the command, see the topic si viewcpentries under Configuration Management Commands.
The Change Package Entries view returns changes that were recorded and saved in the repository.
Lock entries and deferred operations that do not reside on the server are not represented in the view.
Operations that are not recorded in change packages, such as a restore project are not represented in the view. Operations that used the bypass value for the change package ID are also not displayed.
When propagations cause an update to a revision number, the intervening revisions are not included in the view. The operation that created them is not in the change package for that time frame.
Member branches are not included in the view. The operation that created the branch is not recorded in the change package unless the branch is for a different variant or development path.
Modifications to member attributes are not included in the view.
If subprojects were added using a change package, only that operation is included in the view. The members that were added with the subproject are not included in the view because they were not recorded in the change package. Similarly, reconfigured subprojects appear in the view, but modifications to the members of the subproject do not appear in the view.
The view only displays the resulting member revision for each change package entry, not the original member revision.
The following actions display the Change Package Entries view:
Display a list of operations that occurred for one or more selected change packages.
From a change package view, such as My Change Packages, Filtered Change Packages, or Change Packages tab in the Item View:
1. Select none, one, or multiple open or closed change packages.
2. Select Change Package > View Change Package Entries, or select View Change Package Entries from the right-click shortcut menu.
Display a list of operations that occurred for all change packages for one or more selected items.
From an item view:
1. Select one or more items.
2. Right-click and select View Change Package Entries from the right-click shortcut menu.
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