Viewing Sandbox Details
si sandboxinfo
To display detailed information for a Sandbox, select Sandbox > Views > View Information. The Sandbox Information view displays.
The General tab displays the following general Sandbox information:
Sandbox Name is the path and name of the Sandbox.
Pending information displays if the project you selected is a subproject that is pending, has a pending subproject operation, or is located within a pending subproject.
Project Name is the path and name of the master project.
Repository Location is the standardized path and name of the source project. For shared and moved subprojects, this is the path and name of the project where the shared or moved subproject originated.
Repository Location information replaces Shared From information.
Server is the Windchill RV&S server name and port number where the master project resides.
Development Path Information
displays the following:
Development Path displays the name of the development path, followed by the type of development path. Possible development path types are Extendable Development Path, Full Development Path, and Development Path with Subprojects Configured as Build. For more information, see Creating a Development Path.
On Live Configuration displays the setting for this option that was specified when the development path was created.
On Existing Development Path displays the setting for this option that was specified when the development path was created.
Configuration Path displays the configuration path of the project. The following keywords may appear in the path:
# specifies a project or subproject in a well-formed project tree.
#p specifies a project that does not end with project.pj.
#n specifies a normal project.
#s specifies a subproject in a poorly formed project tree.
#d specifies the development path name.
#b specifies the number, label, or symbolic of the project checkpoint.
Restricted displays true if it is a restricted project, or false if it is not a restricted project.
Restricted By displays the name of the user who restricted the project. This field only displays if Restricted is true.
Extendable displays true if the development path can be extended to this subproject, or false if this subproject was explicitly configured as a build subproject when the extendable development path was created. This field is only displayed for build subprojects. For information about extendable development paths, see Extending an Extendable Development Path.
Members is the number of members in the Sandbox.
Subsandboxes is the number of sub Sandboxes in the Sandbox.
Sparse setting determines if the selected Sandbox is a sparse Sandbox.
Scope displays the current Sandbox scope definition (if specified) and allows you to change the scope. Sandbox scope defines what subprojects and/or members are included in the Sandbox. A Sandbox scope transfers specific subprojects and/or members from the Windchill RV&S server to the Sandbox directory when the Sandbox is created, and controls what subprojects and/or members display in the Sandbox view.
To change the Sandbox scope definition, ensure that you are viewing the Sandbox information for the top-level Sandbox and click Change Scope.
Changes to the scope definition are automatically reflected in the Sandbox view. Out of scope subprojects are automatically hidden from the view unless the corresponding folders exist on disk. Members with working files in the Sandbox that no longer match the scope definition display deltas, but remain in the Sandbox. Selecting one of the members indicates that a working file exists and the member does not match the Sandbox scope. Perform a Resynchronize operation to remove the out of scope members and subprojects from the Sandbox. For more information, see “Specifying the Sandbox Scope”.
Using the si createsandbox command, you can create and edit more complex Sandbox member scope definitions using a combination of logical AND or OR operators; however, these definitions may not always be editable from the GUI. If you attempt to edit a complex member scope definition from the GUI, Windchill RV&S truncates the definition to what the GUI is capable of displaying. If you attempt to edit a complex member scope definition using the si configuresandbox -g/gui command, Windchill RV&S displays a warning message that choosing to edit the member scope definition removes all options the GUI is not capable of displaying.
Line Terminator setting determines the type of ASCII character Windchill RV&S recognizes as the end of a line of text: native (or automatic, the default setting), lf (or line feed, primarily for Linux applications), cr, or crlf.
Project Description is a description of the master project.
Last Checkpoint displays the following information about the last checkpoint of the master project: the revision number of last checkpoint, the date and time of last checkpoint, and a brief description of the last checkpoint. You cannot change an existing checkpoint description from this dialog box, but you can append additional comments to it. To do so, enter any supplemental information in the Checkpoint Description field below the present information.
The Append Checkpoint Description dialog box displays when you run the si appendcheckpointdesc CLI command using the -g option.
The Project Attributes tab displays the attributes that apply across the entire project. Attributes can conform to either of the following formats:
The Sandbox Attributes tab displays the attributes that apply to your workspace. You can modify Sandbox attributes. Attributes conform to either of the following formats:
The Associated Items tab displays the ID, type and summary of any Windchill RV&S items associated with the project. Only item types that you have permission to view are displayed. You can right-click an associated item to view or edit it.
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