Sandbox View
si viewsandbox
When you open a Sandbox, Windchill RV&S displays its contents in a Sandbox view.
Sandboxes can reside on the client machines and allow you to work locally in your own workspace without interfering with the work of others. You can think of the Sandbox as a local pointer to the project residing on the Windchill RV&S server. A Sandbox is a mirror image of a Windchill RV&S SCM project. Although it looks and acts like the project it mirrors, it is actually a collection of pointers to its real-life counterparts in the master project.
The Sandbox view displays project members, and sub Sandboxes in a tree structure. You can expand and collapse a project, Sandbox, and sub Sandbox tree using one of the following options:
Double-click the Sandbox or sub Sandbox.
Click the plus or minus icons in the directory list.
Right-click the Sandbox or sub Sandbox and select Expand All.
Select View > Expand All or View > Collapse All.
Select a member by clicking it or by moving the selector bar to it with the cursor control keys. Use the up and down arrows to move through the project or Sandbox hierarchy. Use the right arrow to open a project or Sandbox, revealing its members. Use the left arrow to close a project or Sandbox.
A box below the list of members displays all delta information: working file deltas, new revision (member) deltas, and revision sync deltas. For example, if the working file has been updated but not checked in, a message tells you that the working file has been changed. The box also displays details on the working file and member revision numbers that are available in the project. When there are size differences between the working file and member revision, the member information pane also displays this difference (in kilobytes).
You can view and work with a group of project members based on specific member properties. You can filter the members displayed using the Filter list located on the toolbar or select a group of members using View > Select.
If you have configured the Sandbox view to be dynamic, it is automatically updated to reflect changes in the My Sandboxes view. The information in Sandbox views displays in columns with headings and icons. Depending on your view preferences, the columns displayed may be different than the default preferences described here.
The following table outlines the default columns and what they display:
Displays the name of the project, Sandbox, or member.
Working Rev
Displays the checked out revision number corresponding to the member’s working file, for example, 1.2. If it is a pending revision, pending displays in parenthesis, for example, 1.2(pending). If the working file is locked and out of synch, a gray non-exclusive lock icon displays.
Member Rev
Displays the member’s revision number, or in the case of a subproject, the subproject revision number (if any), for example, 1.3.
Indicates that your working file has changed. A delta symbol with a white document icon means your working file has changed. A delta symbol with a blue striped document icon indicates that the working revision does not match the member revision. A description of the changes is shown at the bottom of the window.
A snowflake icon means the member is frozen. When the member is thawed, the snowflake icon disappears.
A blue striped document with a hand icon means the member shares another member’s archive.
Users who have a lock on the member. The padlock icon indicates the type of lock and any potential conflicts with other lockers.
If there are multiple lockers, your lock is listed first, followed by the locker who has an exclusive lock (if any), followed by any lockers with non-exclusive locks.
If there are multiple lockers, click on the field to display a drop-down list of lockers.
Only locks on the head revision display. If there are multiple lockers, and another locker checks in before you, your lock no longer displays because it is not on the head revision. For more information on your locks policy, contact your administrator.
Displays any labels assigned to the member revision, for example, Draft1. Also displays checkpoint labels on a build project or a subproject configured as build.
If there are multiple labels on the same checkpoint, the Labels column displays the labels in a comma-separated list. Selecting the list displays a drop-down list of labels.
Displays the state of the member revision, for example, Beta.
Working CPID (Sandbox only)
Displays the change package associated with a deferred or lock operation performed by the current user from the current Sandbox.
Member CPID
Displays the change package associated with the operation that set the member’s revision. If you do not specify a change package for the operation, this column is not updated.
Member Archive
Displays the name of the archive the member refers to.
Working Archive
Displays the name of the archive the working file is derived from.
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