User Help > Grouping Files Under Version Control > Removing a Development Path
Removing a Development Path
Once a development path is no longer needed or useful, you can remove it at any time. Deleting a development path is permanent; however, any changes you checked in through the development path remain in your repository.
If you remove a development path that is referenced by a variant Sandbox, you cannot open that variant Sandbox.
If you do not want to permanently remove a development path, you can deactivate it instead. For more information, see Deactivating a Development Path.
Select a project or Sandbox and select Project > Development Path > Remove. In the Remove Development Path dialog box, select a development path to remove from the Development Path list and click OK. Windchill RV&S prompts you to confirm removal of the development path. To remove the development path, click Yes.
Select a project and select Project > Remove Development Path or History > Remove Development Path. In the Remove Development Path dialog box, select a development path to remove from the Development Path list and click OK. Windchill RV&S prompts you to confirm removal of the development path. To remove the development path, click Yes.
You cannot remove a development path from a project if a checkpoint is in progress on that project. Additionally, you cannot remove a development path from build projects.
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