To choose a project to open in the GUI
Select one of the following:
• >
• > >
To open a regular project from the Projects view in the GUI
Select the project, and then
> or > > . |
To open a build project from the Project History view in the GUI
Select a checkpoint, and then
> . |
To open a project as of a specific date in the GUI.
Select Open Project Wizard window and select a project.
> to launch the In the panel that selects the project configuration, selecting As Of specifies a Project view based on a project configuration as of a specified date (date-based project configuration). When the As Of option is selected, the Project Branch option becomes available to specify a Branch ID value. Specifying the branch ID is the only way to specify a date-based project configuration for a development path that was dropped. The branch ID is the ID of the branch that the development path was on. For example, if the last checkpoint on the development path was project revision, then the branch ID is 1.1.1.
For more information, see Working With Date-Based Project Configurations.
To open a recently used project in the GUI
> or > > , then select a project from the list. |
To open a project in the Web interface
Select one of the following from the File menu:
• Open Project
• Open Variant Project
• Open Build Project
The list displayed contains only master projects; subprojects are not accessible by this procedure.
To open a project by typing a URL in the Web interface
If you know the location of a project, you can open it by typing the following URL in a browser:
For example:
To open a variant project from a Project view in the Web interface
> . |
• The Variant option is unavailable if there are no available development paths.
• Deactivated development paths are not shown in the Development Path Name list.