Selecting Members
The Select command allows you to highlight any members of the current Sandbox or project that meet specified selection criteria. Members selected with this command can be manipulated as a group by other Windchill RV&S commands. This command allows you to instantly select a specific group of members in a project that might contain hundreds or thousands of members.
To select specific members, from a Project or Sandbox view, select View > Select.
You choose selection criteria by selecting a check box. To invert a filter, click the filter a second time and the ! symbol displays. For example, select members that are not frozen.
If two or more criteria are selected, they can be joined using the Logical AND or Logical OR option.
All options only apply to visible members. Members in unexpanded directories and subprojects are not selected.
All Members
Selects all visible members.
Changed Members
Selects members that have specific changes to them.
To choose all members that have changes, from the Changed Members list select Any Member Deltas.
To choose all members that have working file changes, from the Changed Members list select Modified Working Files. Note that nothing is selected for this option if you perform the operation from the Projects view.
To choose all members whose working file revision is different from the member revision, from the Changed Members list select Out of Sync Members. Note that nothing is selected for this option if you perform the operation from the Projects view.
To choose all members that have a new revision available, from the Changed Members list select New Revision Available.
To choose all members that have working file size changes, from the Changed Members list select Working File Size Deltas.
To choose all members that are missing working files, from the Changed Members list select Missing Working Files.
To choose all members that are new in the project, from the Changed Members list select New Members.
Selection criteria based on changes to working files will not select anything if this operation is performed from the Projects view.
Members Locked By
Selects members locked by a specific user.
To choose members locked by you, select <Me> from the Members Locked By list.
To choose members locked by any user, select <Anyone> from the Members Locked By list.
To choose members locked by a specific user, select a user name, for example, <mkern>, from the Members Locked By list.
If you select <Me> or <Anyone>, members where you have a lock on the working file only are included.
Member Lock Type
Selects members locked with the specified type of lock.
Members At Label
Selects members with a specific label. Select a label from the Members With Label list.
To choose members with any label, select <Any Label> from theMembers With Label list.
This option is not available if there are no members with labels in the currently selected project or Sandbox.
Members At State
Selects members with a specific state. Select a state from the Members With State list. States are defined by your administrator.
This option is not available if there are no members with states in the currently selected project or Sandbox.
Members With Attribute
Selects members with a specific attribute. Select an attribute from the Members With Attribute list.
This option is not available if there are no members with attributes in the currently selected project or Sandbox.
Deferred Items
Selects members with a deferred operation associated with it. Select a deferred operation from the Deferred Items list.
This option is not available if there are no members with deferred operations in the currently selected project or Sandbox.
Frozen Members
Selects all frozen members (the revision and attributes cannot be updated).
Members With Name
Selects members with a specific name. Enter a member name in the Members With Name field. Wildcards such as ? and * are supported.
By default, this filter is case-insensitive. Select Case Sensitive to make it case-sensitive.
Working revision branched from Member Revision
Selects members where the working file is on a branch from a given development path that is not the trunk development path.
Members on Branch
Selects only members that are off the main development trunk.
Out of Scope Members
Selects only members with working files in the Sandbox that are outside of the scope definition of the Sandbox (if the Sandbox is a Scoped Sandbox).
Specifying a Sandbox scope allows you to define what subprojects and/or members are included in a Sandbox. A Sandbox scope transfers specific subprojects and/or members from the Windchill RV&S server to the Sandbox directory when the Sandbox is created, and controls what subprojects and/or members display in the Sandbox view. For more information, see Specifying the Sandbox Scope.
Pending Operations
Selects members with pending operations associated with them. Select the pending operation from thePending Operations list.
Members With Rule
Selects members based on one of the following revision rule filters:
Members With Rule selects all members with a revision rule.
Member Revision Differs From Rule selects all members for which the rule does not match the member revision.
Invalid Rule selects all members for which the rule does not expand to any existing revision.
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