To move a member in the GUI
1. Select one or more members to move.
2. Select Member > Move. The Move Members Wizard displays.
Depending on the view you performed the move from, the Project or Sandbox option is selected and the name of the project or Sandbox displays.
3. Specify the destination project or Sandbox for the member(s):
To move the member(s) to a specific project, proceed to step 4.
To move the member(s) to a specific Sandbox, click Sandbox, then click Select to choose a Sandbox from the list. Proceed to step 8.
If you specify a Sandbox, the move occurs in the corresponding master project.
4. Click Project, then click Select. If you are performing the move operation from a Project view, proceed to step 7. If you are performing the move operation from a Sandbox view, the first panel of the Specify the target project for the move wizard displays.
5. Enter the path and name of the project and proceed to step 10, or click Select to choose a project from the list.
If you are moving the member(s) to a variant or build subproject, only enter the path and name of the root project in this field. You specify the subproject later in the procedure.
6. Click OK. The second panel of the Specify the target project for the move wizard displays.
7. Select the type of project you want to move the members to by clicking a project type option. The available types are:
Normal moves the member (s) to a project based upon the current state of the project. Click Finish and proceed to step 10.
Variant moves the member(s) to a project based upon a specific development path.
From the Development Path Name list, select a development path name, for example, Aurora_Beta_Variant.
The Variant option is unavailable if there are no available development paths.
Deactivated development paths are not shown in the Development Path Name list.
8. If you are moving the member(s) to a variant or build project, click Next to select a subproject. The third panel of the Specify the target project for the move wizard displays.
9. Expand the project to select the specific subproject that you want to move the member(s) to. Click Finish.
There are rules that control what project configuration you can jump to. If your selection breaks any of the rules, you cannot move the member.
10. Under Change Package, select a change package, if applicable, or create a change package to link to.
If you choose to create subprojects, the specified change package is used to record the Create Subproject operation.
11. To modify the Move Members options, click Options.
12. Click Next. The second panel of the Move Members Wizard displays.
The options that appear depend on whether you selected a destination project or destination Sandbox.
13. Specify the destination directory for the member(s):
To move the member(s) to the destination project’s directory, click Destination Project Directory.
To move the member(s) to the destination Sandbox’s directory, click Destination Sandbox Directory.
To move the member(s) to a subdirectory in the destination project’s directory, click Subdirectory of Destination Project Directory, then type the subdirectory, for example, bin/etc.
To move the member(s) to a subdirectory in the destination Sandbox’s directory, click Subdirectory of Destination Sandbox Directory, then type the subdirectory, for example, bin/etc.
14. Click Next. The third panel of the Move Members Wizard displays, summarizing the details of the move.
15. Review the settings you selected and make changes if necessary.
16. To move the selected member, click Finish. If you enabled the Confirm Move option, Windchill RV&S prompts you to confirm the move.
17. To confirm moving the member, click OK. (for multiple members, click OK to All). The member(s) appear in the new location.
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