User Help > Managing Source Files as Members > Viewing Member Changes By Revision
Viewing Member Changes By Revision
si annotate
Windchill RV&S provides an annotated revision view for members. Use it when you want to find out which revision introduced a particular change. Rather than searching the content of revisions in the history one revision at a time, you can see the content and information for all of the changes to the member in an annotated list.
For example, Mary needs to know what changes were made to custom.css, including by whom and when. She could use the Member History view, but that would not show her what lines of code were changed or added. She could also view the differences between each revision one at a time, but that would take too long. The Annotated Revision view displays all this information in one window.
In annotation blocks, each line of the revision displays with information about the last modification made to each line of the revision’s contents. By default, the annotated revision list includes the revision number, author, date, line number, and revision contents.
When using the Annotated Revision view:
you can only view an annotation for one member at a time
you must close and then reopen the view to see subsequent updates to the member
only content that was added or changed on a per revision basis displays, but not deleted content
The Annotated Revision view can only be displayed for members of text format.
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