User Help > Tracking Changes With Windchill RV&S Items > Drag-and-Drop Operations for Items (GUI)
Drag-and-Drop Operations for Items (GUI)
A drag-and-drop operation for items involves selecting a source item and dragging it to a target item. The source item can belong to the Items view, Relationships view, or a relationship field. The target item can belong to the Items view, Item Details view, Relationships view, or a relationship field.
The Document view also supports drag-and-drop operations. For more information, see Working in the Document View.
When you perform drag-and-drag operations for items, you are prompted for one of the following actions based on the source items and target items:
Add a related item
If the Add Related Items window appears after the drag-and-drop operation, select a relationship field in the target item. Click OK to add the relationship from the target item to the source item.
Link, copy, or move a relationship
If the Link relationships window appears, link the selected item to a relationship field in the target item.
If the Move relationships window appears, move the selected item to a relationship field in the target item.
If the Copy relationships window appears, copy the selected item to a relationship field in the target item.
To save the selected relationship field as the default for the next time you link, copy, or move a relationship using the drag-and-drop method, select the Do not show this dialog again for this session check box. Click OK to save the linked, copied, or moved relationship.
Windchill RV&S does not prompt you to select a relationship field if you drag an item to the relationship field in the target item. The items are directly added as related items or the relationships are directly linked, moved, or copied in the target item based on the target item location. For example, dragging an item from the Items view to a relationship field in the Item Details view directly adds a related item without prompting for a relationship field selection.
The following drag-and-drop operations between source items and target items are supported:
Source Item Location
Target Item Location
Items view
Item Details view (excluding fields in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Link a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Link a relationship.
Relationships view
Item Details view (excluding fields in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Move a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Move a relationship.
Relationship field in the Item Details view
Item Details view (excluding fields in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Move a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Move a relationship.
You can also use the keyboard shortcuts with the drag-and-drop operations. To use a keyboard shortcut with the drag-and-drop operation, press the shortcut key, click the source item and drag it to the target item.
The following keyboard shortcuts are supported:
Keyboard Shortcut
Source Item Location
Target Item Location
Items view
Item Details view (excluding fields in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Copy a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Copy a relationship.
Relationships view
Item Details view (excluding fields in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Copy a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Copy a relationship.
Relationship field in the Item Details view
Item Details view (excluding fields in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Copy a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Copy a relationship.
Items view
Item Details view (excluding fields in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Link a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Link a relationship.
Relationships view
Item Details view (excluding fields in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Move a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Move a relationship.
Relationship field in the Item Details view
Item Details view (excluding fields in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Move a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Move a relationship.
Items view
Item Details view (excluding fields in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Link a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Link a relationship.
Relationships view
Item Details view (excluding fields in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Link a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Link a relationship.
Relationship field in the Item Details view
Item Details view (excluding relationship field in the Item Details view)
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Item Details view
Add a related item.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Items view
Link a relationship.
Fields other than the relationship field in the Relationships view
Link a relationship.
For the Relationships view:
If the relationship is single-valued, it must be visible on the item type for the drag-and-drop operation to work.
For branch fields and some special fields in the Document model, you cannot add, delete, move, reorder, or change relationship flags using either buttons or drag-and-drop operations. The fields that do not support these operations are Branches, Branched From, Contains, Contained By, References, and Referenced By.
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