User Help > Working With Documents > Creating a Content Version > To check in a content version
To check in a content version
To create a content version, you select Content > Check In. After checking in a content version, you can view the created version but you cannot perform any significant edits on it.
1. For the content item you want to create a version for, do one of the following:
Select the content item in the Document view.
Select the content item from an applicable view or field, for example, the Items view or a relationship field.
2. Choose Content > Check In. The Check In dialog box displays.
If multiple content items are selected for the check-in operation, the title of the Check In dialog box displays item IDs of any two selected items in a random order.
3. Select the type of check-in operation you want to perform:
Major. Selecting the Major option creates a new content version where the major version number is increased. For example, increasing the version from 1.1 to 2.0.
Minor. Selecting the Minor option creates a new content version where the minor version number is increased. For example, increasing the version from 1.1 to 1.2.
Content items are checked in only if they include a significant edit. Content items that point to an included or inserted document are also checked in.
To be copied to the content version, relationship fields must be configured to allow multi-valued relationships. Single-valued relationship fields are ignored by the check-in operation.
4. When useful, specify a description for the check in. A description can explain why a new version was created. This description can be viewed from the versioned item.
5. Under Recurse, you can the select the option for Also check in children of selected item(s). When you choose to recurse, Windchill RV&S checks in and assigns a new version number to the selected content node and its children if they contain significant edits. Other nodes in the document are not affected by the operation.
The option under Recurse is only available if you selected a content node that contained children.
6. If Windchill RV&S encounters single-valued relationship fields while checking in the content, the Ignore single-valued relationship fields dialog box is displayed.
To review details on the affected fields, click Show Details. To have such fields configured as multi-valued, contact your Windchill RV&S administrator.
For large or complex documents, the check-in operation can take an extended time to complete. To have Windchill RV&S display a message when the operation is complete, you can select the option for Notify me when the check in operation is complete.
If you select this option, Windchill RV&S displays the Check In Completed dialog box, which includes details on any content items that were not successfully checked in.
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