User Help > Working With Documents > Modifying Content > Copying Content > To copy historical content in the GUI
To copy historical content in the GUI
You cannot copy content into a historical view of a document.
1. Open the historical version of the document or content using a query or by selecting Document/Content > Historical > View As Of.
2. Select an option from the As Of list.
3. Click OK. The historical version of the document displays based on the criteria you selected.
4. Open the document you want to paste the historical document into.
To copy an entire section and its children, select the section from the Outline panel and select Content > Copy.
To copy the content only, select the content you want to copy from the Document panel and select Content > Copy.
Selecting a node to copy from the Document view results in just the selected items being copied. Selecting a node to copy from the Outline panel results in all items in the node’s structural relationship list being copied.
5. Choose a selection point in the historical document or in another document and select Content > Paste.
Subsegment references copied from historical documents are pasted into the target segment as a shared item instead of a segment. The shared item text in the top level node in the Outline panel displays as an As Of hyperlink to the original segment. You can select this link to go to the original segment and modify it. The Author reference mode is applied to the newly created content.
If you are copying and pasting in the standard GUI way, the content displays at the applicable insertion point.
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