User Help > Working With Documents > Modifying a Document > Using Multiple-Row Editing > Opening a Pending Import for Multiple-Row Editing
Opening a Pending Import for Multiple-Row Editing
Windchill RV&S supports several Gateway integrations for importing and exporting documents. For detailed Gateway information, see the Windchill RV&S Gateway User Guide.
When using the Gateway Import Wizard to import external documents into Windchill RV&S documents, the option for importing directly to the Windchill RV&S server is generally selected. However, when reimporting a Microsoft Word document, you can select the option for creating a pending import. When this option is selected, content in the Word document is copied to a temporary location on the client machine rather than to the server. A pending import is stored in this temporary location until you decide to review and commit this document to the server.
Pending imports are used for both GUI and automated situations. You use the pending import option when you want to review changes and possibly make additional edits in the Document view before saving to the server. You can review a pending import immediately after reimporting a Word document or at some later date. For more information, see “Reimporting Content” in the Windchill RV&S Gateway User Guide.
When you log in to the Windchill RV&S client and open a reimported document for the first time, a yellow banner indicates that it is a pending import. All pending imports open in the Document view for multiple-row editing. You cannot undo and redo the initial changes introduced by reimporting. However, you can undo and redo any additional edits that you make after opening the document. You must either save or discard all changes before you can close the document or client.
Viewing All of Your Pending Imports
To see all pending imports that await your review, select Document > View Pending Imports or click the corresponding toolbar button . The top of the Pending Imports view displays the total number of your pending imports on all servers to which you are connected. For each server connection, a tab display your pending imports on that server. The format for the tab name is hostname:port followed by the number of imports.
Tabs are arranged in alphabetical order. The first tab is always the default.
If a connection cannot be obtained to the server, the tab indicates why the loading of this view was canceled. Additionally, the tab indicates that clicking Reload re-initiates loading the view. After entering credentials for the connection successfully, the view displays any pending imports on this server.
The connection must be obtained using the same user ID that was used to launch the view. If a different user ID is used for the connection, the view load is canceled.
If you have no pending imports at all on any server to which you are connected, a single tab displays a message indicating this.
Each tab in the Pending Imports view contains an embedded Items view where you can see your pending imports on that server.
If you have a large number of pending imports on the selected server, you can use filters to limit the pending imports that are shown. The view makes both the Show items containing text filter and where field filter available.
To modify the columns that are visible in the embedded Items view, right-click the header and select Configure Columns. The default columns are ID, Type, Summary, State, and Project.
To manually refresh the view to see any new pending imports or update your server connections, press F5 on the keyboard or select View > Refresh.
Opening a Pending Import From the Pending Imports View
From the Pending Imports view, you open a pending import in the Document view by doing one of the following:
Select Document > View.
Right-click and select View Document.
Pressing ENTER or double-clicking a selected pending import opens it in view mode.
When a pending import opens in the Document view, a yellow banner displays at the top of the document, indicating that it is a pending import. Pending imports always open for multiple-row editing. You can review the document and make additional edits. Actions that you can perform before saving the document to the server include the following:
Editing fields and moving and inserting content rows
Deleting a row
Restoring all field edits made to a row
Restoring a deleted row
Discarding the entire set of changes
If you open a pending import that has errors or has been recovered after an unexpected shutdown of the Windchill RV&S client, the yellow banner indicates this. For more information, see Pending Import Errors.
Using the CLI to Open the Pending Imports View
With the CLI, you can use the im viewpendingimports command with the --g option to open the Pending Imports view. If you do not use the --g option, an error displays. Opening this view is the only pending import action that you can perform from the CLI.
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