User Help > Viewing Project Data in Dashboards > Creating a Dashboard > Dashboard Layout Properties: Default Grid Table Fields
Dashboard Layout Properties: Default Grid Table Fields
Default Grid Properties
Background Color
Background color of grid selected from:
available color
custom option for Swatches, HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness), or RGB (Red, Green, Blue).
OS determines default background color.
Thickness of border around grid from 0 to 99 pixels. By default, border is 0.
Cell Spacing
Distance between individual cells from 0 to 99 pixels. By default, cell spacing is 0.
Cell Padding
Distance between cell’s contents and cell margin from 0 to 99 pixels. By default, cell padding is 0.
Whether any extra horizontal space in grid is filled by last column (at the far right). If pack is False then extra horizontal space is distributed across all columns. Extra horizontal space only occurs when Fill option is True. By default, pack is True.
Resizable components such as embedded reports, wrapping text labels, and charts using table graph style take on their minimum size when placed in packed cell. In general, these types of components should not be placed in packed cells.
Whether grid expands to fill available width in dashboard display. If fill is False grid uses only space required to display its contents. By default, fill is True.
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