Query Filter Options
The following is a detailed list of the available query filter options when defining a query:
Query Filter Options: Attachments
Has Attachment
Filters for items with at least one attachment.
File Name
Filters for items with attachment of specific name (when specifying conditions for this field, enter attachment’s file name with or without extension).
File Size
Filters for items with attachment file of specific size.
Filters for items with attachment of specific MIME type.
Filters for items with a summary if one was added.
Date Added
Filters for items with attachments created on a specific date.
Created By
Filters for items with attachments created by specific users.
Query Filter Options: Items
If document versioning is enabled, queries return all items (live and versioned) by default. To specify live or versioned items, include the Is live or Is versioned filter.
Is a document node
Filters for nodes in a document.
Is a document
Filters for segments.
Is a content node
Filters for nodes representing content.
Is a sub-segment node
Filters for nodes representing subsegments.
Is a locked document
Filters for locked documents.
Content is meaningful
Filters for categories previously defined as meaningful content. For example, a managed artifact is meaningful if it is not a Comment or a Heading.
Content is non-meaningful
Filters for categories previously defined as non-meaningful content. For example, a Comment or a Heading.
Is a group document
Filters for documents that are used to group test cases for text execution.
Is a test step
Filters for items that have a test management role of test step.
Is a test case
Filters for items that have a test management role of test case.
Is a test session
Filters for items that have a test management role of test session.
Is a test suite
Filters for items that have a test management role of test suite.
Is versioned
Filters for versioned items.
Is live
Filters for live items.
Query Filter Options: Branches
Has a branch
Filters for items that have been branched.
Is a branch
Filters for items that are a branch of an item.
Has a branch with value
Filters for branched from (parent) items where a field in the branched item has a specific value.
Branched from item has value
Filters for branched (child) items where a field in the branched from item has a specific value.
Query Filter Options: Fields
Has Source Link
For source link fields, filters for items with at least one source link or source trace in the specified field.
Query Filter Options: History
Assigned Group
Filters for items with changes to assigned group in item history.
Assigned User
Filters for items with changes to assigned user in item history.
Filters for items with changes to item’s project in item history.
Signature Comment
Filters for items with changes to signature comment in item history.
Signed By
Filters for items with changes to user who signed item change in item history.
Filters for items with changes to item state in item history.
Filters for items with changes to item summary in item history.
Query Filter Options: Labels
Filters for items with the specified label name.
Query Filter Options: Configuration Management Change Packages
Has Change Package
Filters for items with change packages included in at least one generic change package, such as Implementer.
Has Resolution Change Package
Filters for items with change packages included in at least one Windchill RV&S change package.
Closed Date
Filters for items with change packages closed on specific date.
Created By
Filters for items with change packages created by specific user.
Created Date
Filters for items with change packages created on specific date.
Filters for items with change packages that contain specific description.
Item ID
Filters for items by item ID.
Server Hostname
Filters for items with change packages on specific server name (use this field with Server Port field).
Server Port
Filters for items with change packages on specific server port (use this field with Server Hostname field).
Filters for items with change packages in specific state.
Filters for items with change packages that contain specific summary.
Query Filter Options: Configuration Management Change Packages Entry Attributes
Filters for items with change package entries with specific archive.
Bytes Added
Filters for items with change package entries that contain specific number of bytes added by member operation (use for binary archives).
Bytes Deleted
Filters for items with change package entries that contain specific number of bytes deleted by member operation (use for binary archives).
Date Changed
Filters for items with change package entries modified on specific date.
Filters for items with change package entries on specific server name (use this field with Port field).
Lines Added
Filters for items with change package entries that contain specific number of lines added by member operation (use for text archives).
Lines Deleted
Filters for items with change package entries that contain specific number of lines deleted by member operation (use for text archives).
Filters for items with change package entries containing specific backing archive for member, or a backing project for a subproject.
Filters for items with change package entries that contain specific member name.
Member Type
Filters for items with change package entries containing specific project element affected by operation (available options are Subproject, Member, or Unknown).
Filters for items with change package entries with specified modifier of either Committed or Pending.
Filters for items with change package entries on specific server port (use this field with Hostname field).
Filters for items with change package entries that belong to specific Windchill RV&S project (when specifying conditions for this field, type project name in text field, for example, c:/masterdemo/project.pj; typing path to your project is optional).
Filters for items with change package entries that contain members with specific revision number.
Filters for items with change package entries that contain text or binary archives (available options are true (text) or false (binary)).
Filters for items with change package entries that added members or subprojects by specific operation.
Filters for items with change package entries on specific Windchill RV&S development path.
Query Filter Options: Relationships
Has Relationship
Filters for items with at least one related item.
When specifying conditions for relationship fields:
In the Select the relationship field you wish to query on field, specify relationship field that contains the related item.
To restrict your query to either backward or forward relationships, the backward option is automatically selected if you select Backward Relationships for the relationship field. The forward option is automatically selected if you select Forward Relationships for the relationship field. The forward option is also automatically selected for a custom relationship field. You cannot change these options.
Relationship flags are set up by your administrator as part of the definition for a relationship field. The list of fields you can select from is the list of fields in your database.
Test any flag flagname on field fieldname is set
Filters for items with specific relationship flag set on specific relationship field.
If the field you select does not have a relationship flag defined you are not able to complete the filter definition. Use the Back button to make another selection.
Filters for items with related item with a specific field value or specific text.
Query Filter Options: Time Entries
Has Time Entry
Filters for items with at least one time entry.
Created Date
Filters for items with time entries created on specific date.
Created By
Filters for items with time entries created by specific user.
Modified Date
Filters for items with time entries modified on specific date.
Modified By
Filters for items with time entries modified by specific user.
Item ID
Filters for items with time entries that contain specific item ID.
Filters for items with time entries that contain specific user.
Entry Date
Filters for items with time entries that contain specific entry date.
Filters for items with time entries that contain specific duration period in hours.
Filters for items with time entries that contain specific text in Notes field.
Filters for items with time entries created by a specific source (available options is mks_integrity).
Query Filter Options: Test Result
Is Related to By a Test Result
Filters for items that are related to at least one test result.
Has Test Result
Filters for items with at least one test result.
Has Test Result With Related Item
Filters for items with at least one test result that has a related item.
Has Test Result With Attachment
Filters for items with at least one test result that has an attachment.
Test Result <field>
Filters for items with at least one test result that matches the specified field value. The field can be one of the following: Modified Date, Session ID, Modified By, Verdict, or Verdict Type.
Query Filter Options: Walk
Walks the Content relationships in a document in an ordered manner and returns all contents in the document with the document item. This filter option allows you to recurse included and referenced documents.
Walks a list of document IDs for the Contains relationship and returns all contents in the document with the document item.
You can select maximum 5 item IDs and include the selected item (top issue) in the result.
Walks a list of items with the specified relationship field.
You can select maximum 5 item IDs and include the selected item (top issue) in the result.
Walks a test session to display all test cases in that test session using the Tests field and returns the meaningful content.
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