Generic Change Package Entries Panel
Depending on your change package type, one or more of the following fields display.
State of change package entry either Committed or Pending. In the GUI, the field is hidden by default.
Type of activity for change package entry.
Individual member contained in change package.
Member’s revision number.
Windchill RV&S project member belongs to, for example, c:/master_project/SourceCode/project.pj
Windchill RV&S project’s development path (if there is one).
Date Changed
Date change command occurred for listed member.
File location of Windchill RV&S archive on Windchill RV&S server.
Windchill RV&S server where change package resides, for example, xyz-server. In Web interface, clicking hostname hyperlink opens change package in Windchill RV&S Web interface where you can work with change package’s associated project and members. In GUI, field is hidden by default.
Port on Windchill RV&S server where change package resides, for example, 7001. In GUI, field is hidden by default.
Location of specific backing archive for member or location of backing project for subproject.
Member Type
Project element affected by change package operation. Available options are Subproject, Member, or Unknown.
Lines Added
Specific number of lines added by member operation. Option used for text archives.
Lines Deleted
Specific number of lines deleted by member operation. Option used for text archives.
Bytes Added
Specific number of bytes added by member operation. Option used for binary archives.
Bytes Deleted
Specific number of bytes deleted by member operation. Option used for binary archives.
Whether change package entry contains text or binary archives.
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