Attributes panel displays the change package ID, server the change package was made on, change package type, summary, current change package state, person who created the change package, date the change package was created, and description (if one was provided).
If applicable, the Attributes panel also displays the closed date and resolution information.
Type is the entry type of the change package entry.
In the Web interface, clicking an entry type displays revision differences associated with the entry in Visual Difference.
Member displays the name of the member or subproject affected by the operation.
When it is a Rename entry type, the member name displays with the form: newname (oldname). When it is a MoveMember or MoveSubproject entry type, the member name displays in the form: newlocation (oldlocation).
Revision displays the number of the revision in the change package entry.
Sandbox displays the name of the Sandbox where the deferred operation or checkout took place.
Project displays the name and path of the project where the operation was performed. If the operation occurred in a shared subproject, the project where the subproject is shared from is displayed. If the operation involved two different projects (for example, moving a member from one project to another), the source project is displayed for deferred operations, and the target project is displayed for pending or committed operations.
Variant displays the name of the variant development path (if a variant was used) the change package entry occurred on.
Date Changed displays the date the entry was made.
Server displays the host name of the server the entry was made on.
In the GUI, additional columns are available in the client preferences.
Review Log
If reviews are mandatory, the Review Log panel displays review information.
Each change package review log contains a record for each reviewer of the change package. Each review record contains the following information:
Possible review states are:
• Review Pending: the change package is still in a state of Submitted and there are outstanding votes to be cast by reviewers.
• Accepted: the change package is in a state of Accepted, and all of the individual reviewers and a user from each reviewer group have accepted the change package.
• Rejected: the change package is in a state of Rejected, and at least one reviewer has rejected the change package.
Reviewer Type
Possible reviewer types are:
• User Reviewer is a user voting in an individual capacity.
• Group Reviewer is a user voting in a group capacity on behalf of that group.
• Super Reviewer is a user casting an overriding vote in a super reviewer capacity, and is not required to be a user or in a group on the reviewer list.
Possible vote values are:
• Pending signifies that the reviewer or group reviewer has not yet cast a vote.
• Accepted signifies that the user has cast an accept vote for the change package.
• Rejected signifies that the user has cast a reject vote for the change package.
Displays information that reviewers optionally provide to clarify their votes.
Displays in tabular form the changes that were made to members upon submission of the change package.
Propagation Information
Displays a list of the change packages that were propagated by this change package and/or a list of the change packages that propagated this change package.