si add
adds a new member to a project
si add [--archive=filename] [--author=name] [(--binaryFormat|--textFormat)] [(--cpid=ID|--changePackageId=ID)] [--[no]defer] [--[no|confirm]closeCP] [--issueId=ID] [(-ddesc|--description=desc)] [--descriptionFile=file] [(-l|--lock)] [--[no]createSubprojects] [--[no]createSubprojectsForEmptyDirectories] [--onExistingArchive=[confirm|cancel|sharearchive|newarchive]][--onExistingOutOfTreeArchive=[confirm|cancel|sharearchive|newarchive]] [--[no]retainWorkingFile] [--[no]failOnAmbiguousProject] [--cancelOnInconsistentLineTerminators] [--normalizeInconsistentLineTerminators] [--[no]saveTimestamp] [--[no]unexpand] [(-r rev|--revision=rev)] [(-R|--[no|confirm]recurse)] [(-S sandbox|--sandbox=sandbox)] [--hostname=server] [--port=number] [--password=password] [--user=name] [--cwd=directory] [(-F file|--selectionFile=file)] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] [(-g|--gui)] [(-N|--no)] [--[no]batch] [--quiet] [--settingsUI=[gui|default]] [--status=[none|gui|default]] [(-?|--usage)] [(-Y|--yes)] [-R|--[no|confirm]recurse] [--[no|confirm]includeFormers] [--exclude=file:pattern,dir:pattern...] [--include=file:pattern,dir:pattern...] nonmember...
si add adds one or more nonmember files located in a Sandbox directory to a project.
For example, you can add a member from the c:\apps\prototype\ directory by specifying:
si add --description="Prototype application header"
-S prototype.pj header.c
adds the header.c file to the project as a new member with the description "Prototype application header". Since the member is added to the project on the Windchill RV&S Server, all other users who have Sandboxes pointing to the project can see the same new member. Windchill RV&S creates a history on the server for each newly added member that does not already have a history.
If you intend to add a dropped member (see si drop) from an archive located on the server, or to share the history of another member in a different project, then use the si addmemberfromarchive command.
If you are re-adding a dropped member (see si drop), an archive already exists for the member, and you must specify whether you want Windchill RV&S to associate the member with the existing archive or generate a new one.
This command takes the universal options available to all si commands, as well as some general options. See the options reference page for descriptions.
sets the archive file name, filename, containing the server-side path and name by which the newly added member will be archived. This must be an existing archive file - this option does not create a new archive. This is an advanced option that effectively specifies an archive path to override the default mapping, allowing a basic form of archive sharing between projects; its use is not recommended except by advanced Windchill RV&S administrators.
specifies the revision number for the new member. If you specify an existing archive using the --archive option, Windchill RV&S creates a branch, unless you specify :head or a revision that does not yet exist. If you specify :head and the current head revision is exclusively locked by another user, Windchill RV&S creates a branch. If you have an exclusive lock on the revision being branched, your lock is removed.
specifies an author name.
forces the storage of the member file to occur in binary format or text format. This option overrides the preferences settings that control default behavior in the application for storage format. When configured, this option may be overriden by a server-side policy setting controlling default storage format behavior. See the si setprefs and si viewprefs commands for more details on preferences.
controls whether to delay the add operation in the project until the deferred operation is submitted. The operation in the Sandbox still takes place immediately.
If the change package reviews are mandatory, specify the --deferred option to create a pending entry for this operation at the time of change package submission. If the --deferred option is not enabled, Windchill RV&S creates the pending entry at the completion of this procedure. When a deferred add member operation is submitted as part of a review, a pending member is created For more information, see the Windchill RV&S Help Center.
controls whether to close the associated change package.
--nocloseCP means do not close the change package.
--confirmcloseCP means ask before closing the change package.
--closeCP always closes the change package.
controls whether to lock the newly created revision. The lock type used is based on your locks policy. For information on your locks policy, contact your administrator.
controls whether to allow sharing of this member's history, or to create a new archive if there is already an existing in project archive for the member.
--onExistingArchive=confirm means always ask whether to share the archive, create a new archive, or cancel the operation.
--onExistingArchive=cancel means cancel the operation.
--onExistingArchive=sharearchive means share the archive.
--onExistingArchive=newarchive means create a new archive.
controls whether to allow sharing of this member's history between projects, or to create a new archive if there is already an existing out of tree archive for the member.
--onExistingArchive=confirm means always ask whether to share the archive, create a new archive, or cancel the operation.
--onExistingArchive=cancel means cancel the operation.
--onExistingArchive=sharearchive means share the archive.
--onExistingArchive=newarchive means create a new archive.
specifies a description for the new archive; this setting and the --descriptionFile option are mutually exclusive. If specifying a nonmember that has an existing history, this description does not overwrite an existing description and is ignored.
Descriptions that include spaces must be enclosed by quotes.
-d desc
specifies a file for obtaining a description to apply to the new archive; this setting and the --description option are mutually exclusive. If specifying a nonmember that has an existing history, this description does not overwrite an existing description and is ignored.
controls whether to create subprojects for each subdirectory encountered when adding members. This option is commonly used where you anticipate working with a large directory structure, because multiple subprojects are easier to manage than many subdirectories within one project. For example, specifying:
si add --createSubprojects --description="Button Application" \buttons\activebutton.c
creates a subproject for the \buttons directory and adds the file activebutton.c. Without the --createSubprojects option, the file and its path simply would be added to the project in the current directory.
controls whether to create subprojects for each empty subdirectory encountered when adding members (and specifying to recursion into directories); preserving the file system directory structure in a project context.
controls whether to retain a working file in the Sandbox after adding the new member.
controls whether to set the revision timestamp to the modification date and time of the working file rather than the current date and time.
controls whether to include former members. Former members are members that have been dropped but whose working files still reside in the Sandbox directory.
controls whether to unexpand keywords in the member file before checking it into the history. Keyword expansion is only available in text archives, not binary archives. For descriptions of the Windchill RV&S keywords, see the Windchill RV&S Help Center. Possible keywords are:
$Author: Warner, Carrie (cwarner) $
$Date: 2015/11/30 22:19:36IST $ $Header: si_add.dita 1.2 2015/11/30 22:19:36IST Warner, Carrie (cwarner) Exp $
$Id: si_add.dita 1.2 2015/11/30 22:19:36IST Warner, Carrie (cwarner) Exp $ $Locker: $
$Log: si_add.dita $ $Revision: 1.2 $
Revision 1.2 2015/11/30 22:19:36IST Warner, Carrie (cwarner)
XML tagging fixes
Revision 1.1 2015/10/29 10:24:45EDT Flett, David (dflett)
Initial revision
Member added to project /rd/doc/Strategic/xmldocs/en/int-man_pages/si_ref/project.pj
$Name: 10-9_L10N_handoff1 10-9_L10N_handoff2 10-9_L10N_handoff3 10-9_L10N_handoff4 $
$ProjectLabel: $
$ProjectName: /rd/doc/Strategic/xmldocs/en/int-man_pages/si_ref/project.pj $
$ProjectSetting $
$ProjectRevision: Last Checkpoint: $
$RCSfile: si_add.dita $
$Revision: 1.2 $
$SandboxSetting $
$Setting $
$Source: si_add.dita $
$State: Exp $
controls whether to select non-members recursively. Non-members are files that exist in the Sandbox directory but have not previously been added to the server repository.
specifies a file that contains a glob pattern for excluding members.
specifies a file that contains a glob pattern for including members.
specifies to cancel the operation if inconsistent line terminators are encountered.
if inconsistent line terminators are encountered, specifies to normalize the line terminators to native for the system. The working file is normalized and then the operation is deferred. Examine the file for correctness before submitting the deferred operation to be committed to the repository. If there are multiple operations that are impacted, each affected operation is deferred and other operations are committed if Windchill RV&S is configured to do so.
identifies a specific file to add to your Sandbox; use spaces to specify more than one. When adding members, the available file types are restricted by values specified in the Non-Member Files Filter preferences. Your administrator may configure the preference for you, as well as lock it from being modified. If you are unable to add members with file types that are needed, contact your administrator for more information.
All files must be added "in tree", that is, the nonmember must exist in the Sandbox directory or a subdirectory. Shared "out of tree" histories are supported by using the --archive option to point to the "out of tree" history that you want to associate with the member.
See the diagnostics reference page for possible exit status values.
Using si setprefs or si viewprefs, you are able to set or view the preference keys for this command.
See Also
Miscellaneous: ACL, diagnostics, options, preferences
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