si logging
modifies Windchill RV&S logging levels
si logging [--category=value] [--debug] [--level=value] [--off] [--on] [--target=value] [--hostname=server] [--port=number] [--password=password] [--user=name] [(-?|--usage)] [(-F file|--selectionFile=file)] [(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=directory] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] [(-g|--gui)] [--quiet] [--settingsUI=[gui|default]] [--status=[none|gui|default]]
si logging modifies Windchill RV&S logging levels.
In addition to modifying the file, you can use the si logging command to increase or decrease logging levels for several different categories (as outlined in the table below). You can run this command from a client or server machine, and use it to set client or server side logging. Any category included in the file can be used. For example:
si logging --target=client --category=CACHE --level=5
changes cache logging on the client to level 5.
The client and server do not need to be restarted after making changes.
Logging changes last only until the Windchill RV&S Server or Windchill RV&S Client is restarted.
You need the DebugServer permission in the mks:si ACL to run this command.
server.log logs information about this command when it runs.
HLL API has been deprecated from Integrity Lifecycle Manager version 12.0. Therefore, the option --category=HLL does not work.
This command takes the universal options available to all si commands, as well as some general options. See the options reference page for descriptions.
where value specifies the category name. Possible values are:
Logs debug messages.
This command overrides the settings in, but only until the Windchill RV&S Server is restarted. Additionally, this option does not explicitly log debug exceptions. To log exceptions, open, uncomment mksis.logger.exception.includeCategory.DEBUG, and set the value to 10.
Logs all SQL commands to server.log. For example, if you view an issue, the SELECT statement is logged. When editing an issue, the INSERT, UPDATE, and SELECT statements are logged. --level=5 logs all SQL commands. --level=10 adds additional information such as Rollback time.
If SQL logging is enabled on the Windchill RV&S Server, you can set SQL logging levels for specific users. Setting the logging level can assist in isolating specific user commands and improving server performance. For example, if logging levels are high and server performance is impacted, reducing logging levels may improve performance.
To set SQL logging levels for a user, type:
im/si --diag=sqllogging username logginglevel
username is the user ID of the user whose commands you want to log.
logginglevel is one of the following number or text values: high (0), medium (5), low (10),or off (-1).
For example, typing:
si diag --diag=sqllogging jriley high
logs all configuration management SQL commands for the user jriley to the category SQL-jriley.
Logs cache operation information. Levels 0–3 are not verbose. Levels 4–15 are verbose.
Logs communication between the Windchill RV&S Server and SMTP server.
Logs e-mail notification.
Logs permission checking to server.log. For example, the add label command logs the following:
2007-08-16 13:45:17,140 INFO [mksis.Windchill RV&SServer] ACL(5): Check user administrator for permission CreateProject against acl mks:si. Resolved ACL: mks:si Decision: GRANTED
Logs all transactions performed by a specific user, for example, si logging --category=TRANSACTION-jdoe --on logs all transactions performed by jdoe. To log all cache transactions, type TRANSACTION-system
Similar to TRANSACTION, this option logs more information about a single command performed by a user, for example, si logging --category=SILIB-jdoe --on.
Provides communications between functionality for workflows and documents, and configuration management, and communications between the Windchill RV&S Client and Windchill RV&S Server.
Logs NT realm information.
Logs Windchill RV&S API information.
Logs LDAP security scheme information.
is equivalent to --category=DEBUG.
where value specifies the log level (-1 disables logging, 10 logs all messages)
is equivalent to --level=-1 (no reporting in this category).
is equivalent to --level=10 (logs all messages in this category).
specifies the target the debugging is enabled for. Valid values for --target are client, server, and proxy. The default value for --target is server.
See Also
Miscellaneous: options
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