integrity stats
reports on Windchill RV&S Server statistics
integrity stats [--[no]deltaOnly] [--[no]description] [--csv] [--startdate=value] [--enddate=value] [--filter=value] [--file=value] [--reset] [--target=client,proxy,server] [(-?|--usage)] [(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=directory] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] [(-Ffile|--selectionFile=file)] [(-g|--gui)] [--quiet] [--settingsUI=[gui|default]] [--status=[none|gui|default]] [--password=password] [--user=name]
To monitor and diagnose issues that may arise when performing operations on the Windchill RV&S Client and Windchill RV&S Server, the Windchill RV&S Server stores statistics about these operations at defined intervals, storing the deltas (differences) in a database table. You can then import the delta information into Microsoft Excel to create a histogram of a specific statistic tracked over time, allowing you to monitor and diagnose areas of degradation.
To define the intervals at which statistics are recorded and stored in the database, configure the mksis.statisticsInterval policy, described in the Windchill RV&S Help Center.
The integrity stats command offers the following modes (using specific options) to display statistics:
Normal mode (no options) displays all statistics as of the current time.
Interval mode displays all statistics for the specified interval. For each interval, new statistics display, showing the difference between the latest and previous statistics.
Historic mode (the --startdate option) displays the two statistics closest to the specified start date, showing the differences between them.
Histogram mode (the --startdate and --enddate options) displays the statistics closest to the starting date and after the ending date, and all snapshots between are displayed. Differences display for each adjacent statistic. For example, for 10 snapshots, 9 deltas display.
File mode (the --file option) uses a file containing a single raw statistics dump, via a support package. For example, you could view the statistics from either the Statistics entry, or one of the Stats/time entries found in the support package.
File Histogram mode (multiple --file options) uses each specified file as a statistics/time file extracted from the support package.
The actual time the snapshot was collected is not actually stored in the snapshot; some output formats use this time. If the filename is not parsable, then the time in those formats will not be available.
Reset mode (the --reset option) clears the collected statistics.
You must have the AdminServer permission, or one of the following permissions for configuration management or workflows and documents: AdminServer or DebugServer.
This command is subject to removal or change without notice, and may expose internal information that is not documented.
If --startdate/--enddate, or --file is not specified, the statisics displayed are those from the time the server started (or last reset) to the current time.
If --startdate/--enddate is specified, statistics data recorded in the database is used. The interval that statistics are stored is specified by the mksis.statisticsInterval policy.
This command takes the universal options available to all integrity commands, as well as some general options. See the options reference page for descriptions.
specifies if to show only deltas when an interval is specified. By default, two rows display: the delta row and the actual value row. Specifying --deltaOnly displays the delta row only.
specifies if to display a description of the statistics columns on each line. This option is applicable to non-CSV mode only.
displays the output as comma-separated data. A single header line is always produced with the column headers. Each value is in its appropriate comma-delimited column, or is reserved with an empty comma.
By default, the following columns display: startdate,enddate,groupname,statisticsname,count,total,average. The complete list of CSV columns you can display include:
kind (includes the keywords data, ratio, or simple)
unit (statistic dependant: Ms (microseconds), ms (milliseconds), #issues, #bytes, objects, listeners, revs
mode (includes the keywords delta or cumulative)
For example, output filtered by the Agent group displays as:
Wed Jun 27 15:50:43 EDT 2009,Wed Jun 27 15:51:43 EDT 2009,Agent,getCurrentUser,1,0,0,0,0
Wed Jun 27 15:50:43 EDT 2009,Wed Jun 27 15:51:43 EDT 2009,Agent,getIssue,1,39,39,39,39
Wed Jun 27 15:50:43 EDT 2009,Wed Jun 27 15:51:43 EDT 2009,Agent,getIssues,1,312,312,312,312
Wed Jun 27 15:50:43 EDT 2009,Wed Jun 27 15:51:43 EDT 2009,Agent,getServerVersion,1,0,0,0,0
Wed Jun 27 15:50:43 EDT 2009,Wed Jun 27 15:51:43 EDT 2009,Agent,getUserPreferences,1,175,175,175,175
Wed Jun 27 15:50:43 EDT 2009,Wed Jun 27 15:51:43 EDT 2009,Agent,upsync,2,260,130,248,12
Wed Jun 27 15:51:43 EDT 2009,Wed Jun 27 15:52:43 EDT 2009,Agent,getQueries,1,138,138,138,138
Wed Jun 27 15:51:43 EDT 2009,Wed Jun 27 15:52:43 EDT 2009,Agent,upsync,1,0,0
Wed Jun 27 15:54:43 EDT 2009,Wed Jun 27 15:55:43 EDT 2009,Agent,getIssue,6,117,19
Wed Jun 27 15:54:43 EDT 2009,Wed Jun 27 15:55:43 EDT 2009,Agent,getIssues,6,48,8
Wed Jun 27 15:54:43 EDT 2009,Wed Jun 27 15:55:43 EDT 2009,Agent,upsync,6,1,
Import the resulting data into Microsoft Excel and use the pivot table functionality to create a histogram that can be further filtered.
specifies the first date in a date range, or a single date for a single histogram point. This option can be used with the --enddate=value option. For example, If you specify 11:30 as the start date and 3:30 as the end date and the statistics are generated hourly, statistics generated at 11:00, 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, and 4:00 display.
If you specify a start date, but no end date, a pair of statistics display for the specified time. For example, if you specify 11:30 and the statistics are generated hourly, statistics generated at 11:00 and 12:00 display.
specifies the last date in a date range. This option must be used with the --startdate=value option.
specifies a statistic to display, using the form --filter=groupname or --filter=groupname.statisticsname. This option can be specified multiple times to output multiple groups. If a filter is not specified, all statistics display.
specifies to read raw statistics from a file. A file containing raw statistics may be obtained from the support package; the support package has files in the Stats directory for various times. This setting may be specified multiple times: thus invoking it against the support package directory will allow you to obtain histograms of usage.
resets the statistics.
Statistics on the servers are global; any statistics not recorded to the database are deleted when the --reset option is specified.
specifies to operate against a specific target, such as the client, proxy, or server.
See the diagnostics reference page for possible exit status values.
See Also
Commands: integrity setprefs
Miscellaneous: diagnostics, options, preferences
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