im editfield
edits the properties of a field
im editfield [--overrideForType=type] [--[no|confirm]changeStoreToHistoryFrequencyFromNever] [--removeOverride=description,relevanceRule,editabilityRule,ranges,displayPattern,phases,defaultColumns,default,substituteParams,displayAs,incomingTraceProvider] [--[no|confirm]removeDescriptionOverride] [--[no]confirmMultiValued] [--[no]multiValued] [--defaultBrowseQuery=[user:]query] [--name=value] [--mappedName=value] [--description=value] [--position=<number>] [--default=value] [--defaultColumns=value] [--displayAs=[default|checkbox]] [--displayTrueAs=value] [--displayFalseAs=value] [--min=value][--max=value] [--[no]displayAsProgress] [--[no]displayAsLink] [--associatedField=fieldName] [--backedBy=value] [--backingStates=value] [--backingTextField=field] [--backingIBPLTextFormat=value] [--backingType=type] [--[no]sortIBPLDescending] [--sortIBPLField=field] [--backingfilter=<querydefinition>] [--computation=value] [--[no]allowComputationUpdatesOnVersion] [--[no]staticComputation] [--storeToHistoryFrequency=[never|daily|weekly|monthly|delta]] [--addEntry=value] [--editEntry=value] [--deleteEntry=value] [--loggingText=[none|mostRecentFirst|mostRecentLast]] [--picks=text:value:image,...] [--maxLength=value] [--suggestions=text1,text2,text3,...] [--relevanceRule=rule] [--relevanceRuleFile=filename] [--editabilityRule=rule] [--editabilityRuleFile=filename] [--copyRelevanceRule=field] [--copyEditabilityRule=field] [--allowedTypes=type:type,type,...[;...]] [--addLinkFlags=name=value,displayChar=char,onImage=path,enabled=[true|false],suspect=[true|false];...] [--[no]cycleDetection] [--query=[user:]query] [--correlation=src-field:dest-field,...] [--displayRows=value] [--displayStyle=value] [--enableLinkFlags=value] [--disableLinkFlags=value] [--displayName=value] [--[no]trace] [--displayPattern=value] [--showDateTime] [--relationshipBrowseStyle=browseStyle=[query|finder],queryOption=[allQueries|specificQueries],specificQueriesList=query::query::..., finderQuery=[user:]query,outlineFormat=value,relationshipstoFollow=relationship::relationship::...] [--[no]richContent] [--[no]showTallRows] [--[no]textIndex] [--[no]substituteParams] [--defaultAttachmentField=field] [--[no]computeNow] [--[no]forceRecompute] [--user=name] [--hostname=server][--password=password] [--port=number] [--editLinkFlags=existingName=value|name=name=value,displayChar=char,onImage=path,enabled=[true|false],suspect=[true|false];...] [(-?|--usage)] [(-F file|--selectionFile=file)] [(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=directory] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] [--quiet] [-g|--gui] [--settingsUI=[gui|default]] [--status=[none|gui|default]][--ierDefaultColumns=[server,title,name...]][--incomingTraceProvider=value]field
im editfield edits the properties of a field for workflows and documents. For the following standard fields, only the name, position, and description can be modified: ID, Type, Created By, Created Date, Modified By, Modified Date, Signed By, and Signature Comment. For the following standard fields, only the name, position, description, editability, and relevance can be modified: Summary, State, Assigned User (can modify to allow mult-values), Project, Assigned Group (can modify to allow mult-values). For example:
im editfield --hostname=abcFinancial --user=jriley --storeToHistoryFrequency=weekly "Days_In_Phase"
changes the Days_In_Phases field to calculate on a weekly basis.
Important: Inactive values are not accepted in as field values. If you specify an inactive value for a user, group, or project field with a default value, the existing value is cleared. For multi-valued user and group fields, the entire field value is cleared even if you specified one inactive value.
This command takes the universal options available to all
im commands, as well as some general options. See the
options reference page for descriptions.
• --overrideForType=type
sets type-specific overrides for the field. The customized value supersedes the global settings for the field attribute when referenced through the selected type or an issue of the selected type. You can only override the attributes for description, relevance, editability, default, minimum, and maximum. The value is the name of the type you want to apply the override to.
If you override one of the following, all three values are overridden: default value, minimum value, maximum value, ranges, phases, display patterns, and default columns. If you don't specify all these options, the following values are used: an existing override value, the global setting, or null.
◦ --[no|confirm]removeDescriptionOverride
confirms removing the translations in all the locales for the overridden description.
◦ --removeOverride=description,relevanceRule,editabilityRule,ranges,displayPattern,phases,defaultColumns,default,substituteParams,displayAs,incomingTraceProvider
removes the specified type override for a field.
◦ --[no]confirmMultiValued
specifies whether to confirm the setting of the --[no]multiValued option.
◦ --[no]multiValued
specifies whether to allow users to select multiple pick list values at one time or link to multiple issues in a relationship field.
Caution: Converting a single-valued pick list to a multi-valued pick list may take considerable time depending on the number of issues and issue history in your database. Upon conversion, the storage format for the field is also permanently changed and cannot be reverted to single-value storage. However, you can still revert the field to a single-value pick list, if needed.
◦ --defaultBrowseQuery=[user:]query
specifies the user and name of the default Admin query to use when adding a related item by browsing. This option only applies to relationship fields.
◦ --name=value
specifies the name of the field (if modifying the field name). Names can be a maximum of 100 characters and cannot contain square brackets.
◦ --mappedName=value
This option allows you to change the mapped name of the field. This is not a mandatory option.
◦ --description=value
specifies a description of the field.
◦ --position=<number>
specifies the position in the list of fields.
◦ --default=value
specifies the default value for the field.
• To include the time with date fields, specify the --showDateTime option and use the mm/dd/yyyy hh/mm/ss format, where hh/mm/ss is the hour, minutes, and seconds. Time is specified from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 inclusive in 24 hour format. However, Windchill RV&S displays the time in 12 hour format. For example, specifying 13:56:45 displays the time as 1:56:45 PM. To specify an empty value for a date field, type none.
• Displayed date fields do not change based on the time zone in which a user is operating. However, displayed date/time fields and time entries vary based on the time zone in which a user is operating.
• Date/time fields cannot be converted to date fields.
• Integer fields allow a maximum of nine digits and floating point fields allow a maximum of 15 digits.
• When editing a floating point field to set the default, minimum, or maximum value, you can enter a negative exponent using the E number notation, for example, -123.1E-3.
◦ --defaultColumns=field1,field2,...,mks:virtualField1,mks:virtualField2...
specifies the default ColumnSet for the field. This option is only valid for the following field data types: Relationship and Query Backed Relationship. This option only applies to the field being edited, not the relationship field pair.
◦ --displayAs=[default|checkbox]
specifies an alternate display for a logical field. By default, a logical field allows users to select true or false values. However, you can choose to display the field as a checkbox (a checkbox that is checked indicates a true value and a clear checkbox indicates a false value). To display a logical field as a checkbox, specify --displayAs=checkbox. To display a logical field with true or false values, specify --displayAs=default or do not specify the option. This option is only valid with the --type=logical option.
◦ --displayTrueAs=value
specifies the custom value that represents how the true value displays in a logical field, for example, --displayTrueAs=yes. The maximum number of characters is 100 and this option is only valid with logical fields and the --displayFalseAs=value option.
Important: Specifying custom values for logical fields impacts existing custom scripts that use the default true and false values. PTC recommends reviewing the scripts and making necessary modifications to reflect new custom values.
◦ --displayFalseAs=value
specifies the custom value that represents how the false value displays in a logical field, for example, --displayFalseAs=no. The maximum number of characters is 100 and this option is only valid with logical fields and the --displayTrueAs=value option.
◦ --min=value
specifies the minimum value for the integer, float, or date type field. See the --default=value option for rules.
◦ --max=value
specifies the maximum value for the integer, float, or date type field. See the --default=value option for rules.
◦ --backedBy=value
specifies the issue backed pick list (IBPL) field attribute, where value uses the format ibpl-name.field-name. ibpl-name is the IBPL that you want to back the field value attribute (FVA) field. field-name is the field in the backing issue type whose value you want to display in the FVA field. This option is used with the --type=fva option.
• The specified IBPL must be single valued.
• The field must be visible in the IBPL field’s backing issue type.
• You can set display options such as --displayPattern=value and --[no]displayAsProgress, if the field data type allows them.
◦ --backingStates=value
specifies active states to populate the issue backed pick list with. Populating an issue backed pick list with backing issues in specific states essentially allows you to “deactivate” entries in an IBPL. For example, if an Employee issue contains an Active and Inactive state, and you select Active as the active states, only Employee issues in a state of Active display pick text entries in the IBPL. This option is used with the --type=ibpl option.
◦ --backingTextField=field
specifies the non-computed short text field in the backing issue type that you want to use as pick text. For example, if you select the Manager field and James Riley, Sherry Robertson, and Dan Evans are field values in some of the backing issues, those names display as pick text in the issue backed pick list field. This option is used with the --type=ibpl option.
◦ --backingIBPLTextFormat=value
specifies multiple fields in the backing issue type that you want to link together to use as pick text. The format is similar to a JAVA MessageFormat string (that is, it requires { } to surround each field). For example:
This option overrides any value specified by the --backingTextField option.
◦ --backingType=type
specifies the issue type containing the short text field that you want to reference. This option is used with the --type=ibpl option.
◦ --[no]sortIBPLDescending
specifies the sort order of the field on the backing item type in the IBPL. --[no]sortIBPLDescending sorts the field in ascending order. --sortIBPLDescending sorts the field in descending order. This option is used with the --type=ibpl and --sortIBPLField=field options.
• --sortIBPLField=field
specifies a visible field on the backing item type to sort by in the IBPL. For example, if an IBPL field uses a Build item as the backing item type, you could display the most recent build from the Build Number field at the top of the IBPL field. If this option is not specified, field values in the IBPL are sorted alphanumerically. This option is used with the --type=ibpl and --[no]sortIBPLDescending options.
• The following field types on the backing item type cannot be sorted: type, attachment, IBPL, FVA, QBR, range, relationship, source link, and SI project fields.
• If a field is currently specified as the sorting field and you choose to configure that field as invisible in the item type, a warning message notifies you that this will affect the sort order, allowing you to save or cancel the change. Saving your changes causes field values in the IBPL to be sorted alphanumerically.
• --backingFilter=<querydefinition>
specifies a string to define the picklist value constraints. This option is used with the
--type=ibpl option. The
<querydefinition> must be of the same format as the query definition for a query. For details of the query definition format, see
im createquery.
The constraints defined for this filter are applied in addition to the filtering specified by the --backingType and the --backingStates options.
• --computation=value
specifies a computed expression for the computed field. For more information on computed fields, see the
im createfield command.
• --[no]allowComputationUpdatesOnVersion
specifies to record the computation value at the time of versioning and prevent further updates. By default, the computation value in versioned items continues to update based on the computed field definition. If you specify --[no]allowComputationUpdatesOnVersion on a non-computed field, an error message displays. If you specify --allowComputationUpdatesOnVersion on a non-computed field, the option is silently ignored.
• --[no]staticComputation
specifies the computation type. --staticComputation performs the computation and stores it in the issue’s history based on the value specified in --storeToHistoryFrequency=value. PTC recommends a static computation if your expression involves expensive external functions, such as query or aggregate functions. --[no]staticComputation performs the computation every time field values used in the expression change. --[no]staticComputation is a dynamic computation and is selected by default.
Because dynamically computed fields are not stored in the database, dynamically computed short text fields cannot be located with an all text field search in the Windchill RV&S Client. To search for dynamically computed short text fields, create a query that includes a specific “field contains” comparison.
• --[no|confirm]changeStoreToHistoryFrequencyFromNever
Confirms before changing the value of Store to History Frequency from never to daily, weekly, monthly or delta.
• --storeToHistoryFrequency=[never|daily|weekly|monthly|delta]
indicates how often the computed field should be calculated and stored in the issue’s history. Acceptable values are daily, weekly, monthly, delta or never. delta specifies to store the computed field's value to the item history only when a delta is detected. To specify a custom frequency, specify never and create an event trigger that specifies the desired frequency. Selecting a frequency is useful for historical charting. never is specified by default.
Using the im analytics --recomputeHistory command, you can calculate a computed field within a specific time frame, storing the value in the issue history. This command is useful for historical charting and reporting, allowing you to calculate, then compare the stored historical values of the computed field between current and past projects.
If you are changing the value of Store to History Frequency from never to any other value, you may need to execute Analytics - Recompute Expression History for this field to display the correct computed value in the corresponding documents in multi-edit document view. Additionally, the start time for such re-computation must be equal to or earlier to the time when the computation field was last modified and the value of Store to History Frequency changed to never. If the computation field was created with the value of Store to History Frequency as never, then the start time for re-computation must be the same as the field creation time.
• --addEntry=value
adds a phase or range field value to a new or existing field.
For phases, value is specified as PhaseName=PhaseName:state,state,...:image PhaseFieldName, where state specifies an included state, and image specifies the file path and the name of a custom image, or none.
For ranges, value is specified as RangeNane=RangeName:lowerValueupperValue:image
Note the following about adding phases:
◦ Only a single phase entry can be edited per command execution.
◦ Separate multiple states using commas.
◦ States not grouped into a phase are referred to as out of phase states. When an issue is in an out of phase state, the phase field displays Out of Phase. You cannot edit the Out of Phase phase. This phase identifies the states that are not included in any user defined phase.
◦ Images for phases must be GIF or JPEG format, and be no larger than 16 by 24 pixels.
◦ No two phases can use the same state.
Note the following about adding range limits:
◦ You cannot specify different range category names and icons for types. However, you can specify different range limits for types.
◦ Range field values are automatically determined based on an associated numeric field. Range fields cannot be edited in an Issue Details view.
◦ Range value limits can be overridden on a per type basis. However, range category names and icons cannot be overridden.
◦ If lowerValue is not set, -Infinity is automatically entered. If upperValue is not set, +Infinity is automatically entered. An Infinity value indicates that all numbers are valid.
◦ A numeric value must be contained in one defined range; range intersections are invalid. For example, the following ranges are invalid: 0;5 and 4;8, or 0;5 and 5;10. For an integer field, an acceptable range would be 0;5 and 6;10. For a floating point field, an acceptable range would be 0;5 and 5.01;10.
◦ If a value is entered in the associated numeric field that is beyond the set range values, the range field displays Out of Range in the issue. If no value is entered in the associated numeric field, the range field is empty.
◦ For ranges, value is specified as text:lowerValue;upperValue:image,..., where label specifies the range category name, lowerValue specifies the lower range, upperValue specifies the upper range. For example, --addEntry=Golden:-Infinity;0,Acceptable:1;6,Watch:7;19,Trouble:20;+Infinity. Range category names can be 100 characters long.
◦ At this time, you can only create ranges using the <= operator.
• --editEntry=value
edits an existing phase or range field value on an existing field.
For phases, value is specified as --editEntry=existingPhaseName=newPhaseName:state,state,...:image
For ranges, value is specified as --editEntry=existingRangeName,... to define one or more values.
• --deleteEntry=value
deletes an existing phase or range field value from an existing field.
For phases, value is specified as --deleteEntry=existingPhaseName, ... to define one or more values.
For ranges, value is specified as --deleteEntry=existingRangeName, ... to define one or more values.
• --associatedField=fieldName
specifies the numeric field to associate with the range field.
Range fields cannot contain an associated field that includes a computed expression with an external information function.
• --[no]displayAsProgress
displays the integer value as progress bar in the GUI.
• --[no]displayAsLink
displays the value selected in the item backed pick list as a hyperlink to the backing item. The hyperlink displays in the GUI and the Web UI.
• --[no]trace
sets the field as a trace relationship. Trace relationships are defined via field pairs and are presented to the user in domain-specific language, for example, Test and Requirements. To more about trace relationships, see your Windchill RV&S Help Center.
When used with im editfield, this option cannot be used to enable or disable tracing on a sourcelink field. For more information, see the reference page for im createfield.
• --picks=text:value:image,...
specifies the list of valid active values for a pick list field, where image can be none, or the file path and the name of a custom image. Unspecified existing pick list values are considered inactive. Pick text must be 100 characters or less in length and empty values are not supported.
• This option requires the complete list of active pick list values to be specified. Unspecified pick list values are inactive. Do not specify duplicate pick field values.
• Inactive pick list values continue to display in fields, history, query filters, relevance and editability rules, constraint filters, charts, and reports.
• Inactive pick list values can be specified in query filters, relevance and editability rules, constraints, charts, and reports.
• Inactive pick list values cannot be specified in pick list fields. However, pick list fields retain inactive pick list values. If a user edits a multi-valued pick list field, inactive pick list values can no longer be specified, even if only one of the values was previously inactive.
• If one or more active pick list values are referenced in a trigger field assignment and you attempt to make one of those values inactive, an error message displays the pick list values and the trigger(s) where the assignment occurs. The references in the event trigger(s) must be removed before making a pick list value inactive.
• --maxLength=value
specifies the maximum character length value for a short text, long text, or rich content field. For long text fields, the maximum number of characters is 4,000.
• --suggestions=text1,text2,text3,...
specifies a list of suggested values for a short text field.
This setting requires the complete list of suggested values to be specified.
• --displayName=value
specifies the name assigned as the display name of the field.
• --displayPattern=value
assigns a format to floating point or integer field values, known as a display pattern. Display patterns allow you to quantify numeric field values, for example, as currency or percentages. You can define a display pattern by combining a currency symbol, text that represents a measurement, and/or one or more of the following characters:
◦ 0 - Displays as a zero in the output. For example, a display pattern of 000.00 displays an input value of 12.14 as 012.14 in the numeric field.
◦ # - Displays as a digit in the output. If the digit is a zero and it is leading or trailing the input value, it is left out of the value displayed in the numeric field. For example, a display pattern of #0.00 displays an input value of 0.126 as 0.13 in the numeric field.
◦ . - Locale specific decimal separator.
◦ - - Minus sign.
◦ , - Locale specific grouping separator.
◦ E - Scientific notation, in the format aEb, where a is any real number, and b is the exponent..
◦ ; - Separates positive and negative patterns.
◦ % - Multiplies by 100 and displays as a percentage.
◦ ‘ - Escapes special characters. Use ‘’ to create a single quote.
For example, if you specified a display pattern of $#,### and a user types 12345.123 in the associated numeric field, the numeric field displays $12,345. Similarly, if you specified a display pattern of # minutes and a user types 123 in the associated numeric field, the numeric field displays 123 minutes
• If the display pattern is invalid or the field type is not an integer or floating point, an error message displays. If no display pattern is specified, the field displays the value in a localized form.
• Display patterns appear only when viewing one or more issues. Windchill RV&S stores the field value as an unformatted numeric value in the database.
• By default, a floating-point field value displays the same number of decimal places as when the value was entered. Previously, floating point values rounded to three decimal places.
• Display patterns are applied to numeric values only when shown in the context of an issue. This means that query filters, rules, and trigger assignments display the unformatted, localized version of the numeric field value.
• --relevanceRule=rule
specifies the rules that determine when users see the field. For the rule syntax, see Specifying Rules on the
options reference page.
Relevance rules are evaluated on the Windchill RV&S Client’s time zone.
• --relevanceRuleFile=filename
specifies a file that contains the field relevance rules. See --relevanceRule for notes on the option and obtaining rule syntax for the file format.
• --editabilityRule=rule
specifies the rules for when users are permitted to edit the field. For the rule format, see Specifying Rules on the
options reference page.
To prevent the field from being edited, specify --editabilityRule="(false)". This option is useful for fields that are updated by event triggers and are not meant to be edited by users. For example, you could create a date field where the date is automatically specified when the issue enters a certain state.
• To specify a date and time for a date field, use the MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss [AM|PM] format. You can specify a time only if the date field is configured to display the time. To specify the current date for a date or date/time field, type today. To specify an empty value for the date field, type none.
• When specifying a user, you can choose yourself by specifying "me". "me" is a symbolic user which refers to the currently logged in user. For example, you could create an editability rule that specifies the Requirements field can be edited if the currently logged in user is one of the users defined in the multi-valued Stakeholders field.
• Editability rules are evaluated on the Windchill RV&S Client’s time zone.
• Configuration management project and attachment fields cannot be specified.
• By default, --editabilityRule="(false)" is specified for read-only custom fields (i.e. phase, range, computed) and cannot be unspecified.
• Editability rules cannot include a computed expression that requires an external information function.
• --editabilityRuleFile=filename
specifies a file that contains the field editability rules. For the file format, see Specifying Rules on the
options reference page.
• --copyRelevanceRule=field
copies the relevance rules of an existing field to the one being edited.
A false relevance rule (--relevanceRule="(false)") can be copied in the CLI. However, you cannot do this in the GUI.
• --copyEditabilityRule=field
copies the editability rules of an existing field to the one being edited.
A false editability rule (--editabilityRule="(false)") can be copied in the CLI. However, you cannot do this in the GUI.
• --allowedTypes=type:type,type,...[;...]
specifies the types of issues that can be linked using the relationship field. Specify the issue type that will use the relationship field, then list the issue types that can be linked to using the reverse relationship field. For example, for a one-way relationship showing the relationship between documentation issues and bugs, specify Docs:Bugs for the forward field, and Bugs:Docs for the reverse field.
For a two-way relationship, you need to specify allowed types for both sides of the relationship. For example, to allow the field to be used to create relationships between documentation issues and bugs, specify Docs:Bugs;Bugs:Docs.
• --addLinkFlags=name=value,displayChar=char,onImage=path,enabled=[true|false],suspect=[true|false];..
defines the relationship flags that can be added to relationships in the relationship field.
• --editLinkFlags=existingName=value|name=value,displayChar=char,onImage=path,enabled=[true|false],suspect=[true|false];...
edits the values of existing relationship flags for the relationship field.
Important: The |symbol in [true|false] means you can choose any value between them. The | in existingName=value|name=value is a literal, so you have to specify both existingName and name and use the |to connect them to make the command work with this stipulated value.
For example:
• --disableLinkFlags=value,...
a comma separated values list of the relationship flag names to disable for the relationship field.
• --enableLinkFlags=value,...
a comma separated values list of the relationship flag names to enable for the relationship field.
• --[no]cycleDetection
specifies whether or not the system will prevent relationship loops from occurring in the relationship field. For more information on relationship loops, see the Windchill RV&S Help Center.
• --query=[user:]query
specifies an administrator query to use as the backing query for a query backed relationship field.
• --correlation=src-field:dest-field,...
specifies a pair of fields to correlate between the type containing the query backed relationship field and the issues returned by the query. For example, if you create a query backed relationship field called Defects for the Feature type and specify Project as the source field and Project as the target field, the Defects field displays all Defect issues that have the same project as the one specified in the Feature type’s Project field. This option is not mandatory. However, if it is not specified, the list of relationships returned does not change with different issues.
• --displayRows=value
specifies the number of rows to display for a long text, rich content, sourcelink, or relationship field. There is a maximum of 80 rows permitted for a long text, sourcelink, or relationship field, and 15 for a rich content field.
• --displayStyle=value
specifies whether the attachment, relationship, sourcelink, or query backed relationship field displays in table format or in a comma separated values (CSV) format. Acceptable values are csv or table.
For attachment, relationship and query backed relationship fields, if you specify -g or --gui, the table format allows you to sort the issues and manipulate the columns that display in the table. The CSV format only displays the IDs of the issues. For sourcelink fields, if you specify -g or --gui, the table format allows you to manipulate the columns that display in the table. The CSV format only displays the source file name, revision number, server and project.
• --loggingText=[none|mostRecentFirst|mostRecentLast]
specifies logging text field mode, including the order the entries are displayed. Logging text field mode is only a valid option for longtext type fields.
• --showDateTime
specifies to include the time with the date in a date field.
Important: Once you include the time and save the date field, you cannot change the date field to display the date only.
• --relationshipBrowseStyle=browseStyle=[query|finder],queryOption=[allQueries|specificQueries],specificQueriesList=query::query::...,finderQuery=[user:]query, outlineFormat=value,relationshipstoFollow=relationship::relationship::...
specifies the relationship browse style that is used for editing a related item. browseStyle can be either set to query or finder.
After you set browseStyle to query or finder, the following options can be edited:
◦ queryOption is applicable for browseStyle=query and can be specified as either "allQueries" or "specificQueries". When browseStyle=query is specified, the queryOption=[allQueries|specificQueries] is mandatory.
◦ specificQueriesList is applicable for queryOption=specificQueries. This option specifies the list of the names of Admin queries, separated by double colons. For example: specificQueriesList="query1::query2::query3
◦ finderQuery is applicable for browseStyle=finder. This option specifies the name of the Admin query to be used for the content of the Find Items to relate window left pane.
◦ outlineFormat is applicable for browseStyle=finder. This option specifies the outline in the right pane of the Find Items to relate window.
◦ relationshipsToFollow is applicable for browseStyle=finder. This option specifies the list of relationships, separated by double colons (for example, relationshipsToFollow="relationship::relationship2::...). In the Find Items to relate window, the right pane is populated with the list of related items derived from the selected items in the left pane. The relationshipsToFollow defines the related items with which to populate the right pane.
• If you do not provide a valid sub-option and its value for any browseStyle, then its value remains the same as specified in the respective relationship field.
• If browseStyle is changed from query to finder or vice-versa, the values of the invalid sub-options is set to none. For example, when you change the browseStyle from query to finder, the values for finderQuery, reationshipToFollow, and outlineFormat is set to none.
• If you want to set the browseStyle as the default style, then specify the relationshipBrowseStyle as --relationshipBrowseStyle="".
For example:
▪ When the browseStyle is set to query:
im editfield --defaultBrowseQuery=Query1_default --relationshipBrowseStyle=browseStyle=query,queryOptions=allQueries Relationship_Field_ABCD
im editfield --defaultBrowseQuery=Query1_default --relationshipBrowseStyle=browseStyle=query,queryoption=specificQueries,specificQueriesList=Q2::Q3::Q4::Q5 Relationship_Field_ABCD
▪ When browseStyle is set to finder:
im editfield --defaultBrowseQuery=Query1_default --relationshipBrowseStyle=browseStyle=finder, finderQuery=Q1,outlineformat="{Section}-{Category}{SharedCategory}",relationshipstofollow=R1::R2 Relationship_Field_ABCD
• --[no]richContent
specifies whether to configure the long text field as a rich content field. Rich content enhances the display of text in long text fields by adding formatted text, tables, background colors, images, and hyperlinks. This option is enabled by default and does not support logging text fields.
Caution: You can convert rich content fields back to long text fields. However, any existing rich content is displayed as HTML tags and attributes.
Because rich content is expressed using a limited set of HTML elements and attributes, you can define screen and printer Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that ensure a consistent look when viewing and printing rich content field data in different Web browsers. For more information, see the Windchill RV&S Help Center.
• --defaultAttachmentField=field
specifies the default attachment field that images are retrieved from when inserting images into a rich content field via attachment field. The default is the default Attachment field
• --[no]computeNow
calculates the field in issues where the values of the underlying fields used in the computed expression have changed since the last computation.
• --[no]showTallRows
specifies whether the relationship field should display variable height rows.
• --[no]forceRecompute
if you changed the computed field’s underlying computed expression and/or you want to calculate the field in all issues containing the field, then this option resets the last computation time associated with the computed field and recalculates the computed field in all issues containing the computed field.
• --[no]textIndex
specifies whether queries against the field will be treated as word searches.
• --[no]substituteParams
specifies whether parameter references in this text field are replaced with parameter values when you view the item through a view or report that supports parameter substitution. For more information on how parameter values are determined, see the Windchill RV&S Help Center.
• --ierDefaultColumns=[server,title,name...
specifies the columns that appear for trace relationships. This option is only valid for a type of ier.
Available values are:
◦ server—Server where the object resides
◦ title—Summary of the object
◦ name—Name of the trace
◦ reversename—Trace type, such as “Satisfied By”
◦ suspect—Indicates whether the trace is suspect
◦ icon—Icon for this object type
◦ largePreview—Large preview of the object
◦ smallPreview—Small preview of the object
◦ URI—Uniform resource identifier of the object
◦ localURI—Uniform resource identifier of the requirement
• --incomingTraceProvider=value
The incoming trace provider that is used to retrieve external references. If you are using ThingWorx, this is the name of the ThingWorx thing that returns IER values. This option is only valid for a type of ier.
• field
specifies the name of the field you want to edit.
See Also