im editdynamicgroup
edits a dynamic group
im editdynamicgroup [--membership=proj1=u=user1,user2,..:g=group1,group2,..;proj2=...] [--projectmembership=project=inherit|nomembers|per-project-membership] [--description=value] [--image=[none|default|<path>] [--name=value] [--mappedName=value] [--user=name] [--projectmembership=project=inherit|nomembers|per-project-membership] [--hostname=server] [--password=password] [--port=number] [(-?|--usage)] [(-F file|--selectionFile=file)] [(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=directory] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] [--quiet] [-g|--gui] [--settingsUI=[gui|default]] [--status=[none|gui|default]] dynamic group
im editdynamicgroup edits a specified dynamic group. You can edit the following dynamic group details: name, image, description, and membership. For example:
im editdynamicgroup --membership=/Support Services=g=Services
changes the membership of the Services dynamic group to the Support project.
This command takes the universal options available to all
im commands, as well as some general options. See the
options reference page for descriptions.
• --membership=proj1=u=user1,user2,..:g=group1,group2,..;proj2=...
assigns the membership for the dynamic group.
If you are a project administrator, the im dynamicgroups --fields=membership command displays a subset of the projects in your Windchill RV&S configuration. If a super administrator uses that list of projects when specifying im editdynamicgroup --membership, the membership for the projects that the project administrator does not have permission to view are removed.
Specifying the u=user1,user2, or g=group1,group2, option implies that the dynamic group is assigned to a root project. If the dynamic group is assigned to a child project and you want the parent project permissions to apply, do not specify these options.
specifies the project you want the dynamic group to apply to, for example, the /SourceCode project. This command processes only the projects that the project administrator is assigned to.
To indicate that a project does not have any groups and users as members of the dynamic group, specify the nomembers keyword, for example, --membership=/Project=nomembers.
To inherit the membership from the parent project to the dynamic group, specify the inherit keyword, for example, --membership=/Project=inherit.
The nonmembers project is a top level project, and so cannot inherit permissions from any other project. Furthermore, no other project can be a subproject of the nomembers project.
• u=user1,user2
specifies the users in the dynamic group.
• g=group1,group2
specifies the groups in the dynamic group.
• --image=[none|default|<path>]
specifies whether an image appears for the dynamic group.
◦ --image=none
does not specify an image for the dynamic group.
◦ --image=default
specifies the default image for the dynamic group.
◦ --image=<path>
specifies the path and name of a custom image for the dynamic group, for example, c:\images\dynamic_group_icon.gif.
Images must be GIF or JPEG format, and no larger than 16 by 24 pixels.
• --description=value
specifies a description of the dynamic group.
• --name=value
specifies the name of the dynamic group you want to edit. Names can be a maximum of 100 characters and cannot contain square brackets. Use this option when you want to change the name of the a dynamic group.
• --mappedName=value
This option allows you to change the mapped name of the dynamic group. This is not a mandatory option.
• --projectmembership=project=inherit|nomembers|per-project-membership
specifies the membership for a project that the project administrator is assigned to.
◦ project
specifies the project you want to assign membership to.
◦ inherit
specifies to inherit the membership from the parent project to the dynamic group.
◦ nomembers
specifies that the project does not have any groups and users as members of the dynamic group.
◦ per-project-membership
specifies the group and user membership for the project, where per-project-membership is in the form user-list|group-list|user-list:group-list.
Specifying users, but no groups removes any existing groups. Similarly, specifying groups, but no users removes any existing users.
See Also