im runreport
runs a Windchill RV&S report
im runreport [--fieldFilter=field=[value,value,...],field=[value,value,...],...] [--asOf=<date>:label:<label>] [--basetime=<date>:label:<label>] [--issues=value] [--issues2=value] [--outputFile=value] [--[no|confirm]overwriteOutputFile] [--query=[user:]query] [--queryDefinition=query] [--param=value] [--[no]substituteParams] [--hostname=value] [--port=value] [--password=value] [--user=value] [(-?|--usage)] [(-F value|--selectionFile=value)] [(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=value] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] [username:]report
im runreport runs a Windchill RV&S report, generating report data. For more information on reports, refer to the Windchill RV&S Help Center.
For example,
im runreport --issues=10001,10002,10003 jriley:"Docs Activity"
displays the Docs Activity report created by jriley showing data for items 10001, 10002, and 10003.
Displayed date fields do not change based on the time zone that a user is operating in; however, displayed date/time fields and time entries vary based on the time zone that a user is operating in.
This command takes the universal options available to im commands, as well as some general options. See the options reference page for descriptions.
specifies field filters and values to apply to the report. You can specify multiple field filters. You can filter based on values in the Project, Type, or State fields, or on values in any user, group, picklist or item backed picklist field.
specifies the historical date or label to use for the issues included in the report. To specify a date and time, type MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss [AM|PM]. Each issue included in the report will be as of the date and time specified. This option is used with the --issues option.
specifies a date or label to use for comparing two reports. To specify a date and time, type MM/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss [AM|PM]. This option is used with the --asOf option. Two reports are run: one based on the --asOf label or date/time, and one based on the --basetime label or date/time. The reports are compared and the results automatically display in the Visual Difference tool. For more information on this tool, see the Windchill RV&S Help Center.
specifies the issues to report on, where value is a comma-delimited list of issue IDs. This overrides the query that the report is based on.
specifies the issues to report on, applied to the base time. This overrides the query that the report is based on.
specifies the name of the file you want the report data to be saved in.
specifies whether to overwrite if the file specified in the --outputFile option already exists.
specifies a query to override the report query.
specifies a string to define the query constraints to override the report query. This option cannot be used with historical reports. For details of the query format, see the im createquery reference page.
To reference the original query in the new query so that any changes to the original query are reflected in the new query, define <subquery> as subquery[OriginalQuery].
specifies a keyword contained in the %arg%> tag of the report definition and the parameter value to replace the keyword. To specify a keyword and parameter value, type --param=keyword=parameter value, for example, im runreport --param=segmentname=SegmentA BugReport. Keywords and parameter values allow you to configure report content at runtime. Specify --param for each additional keyword and parameter value. For more information on keywords in report definitions, see the Windchill RV&S Help Center or contact your administrator.
The report must contain %arg%> tags; otherwise, this option is ignored when you run the report. A parameter expansion not specified in --param substitutes an empty string.
specifies whether to replace parameter references in text fields with a parameter value. For more information on how parameter values are determined, see the Windchill RV&S Help Center.
specifies the name of the report to run, and the user who created it. If you are running a report you created, you do not have to specify the user name, but you must specify the report name.
Windchill RV&S initially assumes that text before the colon (:) is a user name and text after it is a report name. If Windchill RV&S fails to find a matching user name and report name, it searches for a report name matching the exact text. For example, if you type jhoyt:CosmosDefects, Windchill RV&S searches for the report named CosmosDefects created by jhoyt. If Windchill RV&S cannot find the report and/or user, it searches for the report named jhoyt:CosmosDefects created by any user.
See Also
Miscellaneous: options
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