im issues
presents issues found in the query results for the specified query
im issues[--[no]applyDisplayPattern] [--asOf=[<date |label:<label ] [--fields=field[:width[:rich|plain|idlist]],field[:width[:rich|plain|idlist]],...] [--fieldsDelim=value] [--[no]sortAscending] [--sortField=field] [--fieldFilter=field=[value,value...]] [--[no]inlineEditMode] [--[no]ApplyDisplayPattern] [--[no]showTallRows] [--[no]showDecorators] [--structureFieldIconDisplayField=field] [--structureFieldDisplayFormat=value] [--focusIssueID=value] [--expandLevel=value] [--[no]substituteParams] [--[no]showXHTML] [--queryDefinition=query] [--hostname=value] [--port=value] [--password=value] [--user=value] [--query=[user:]query] [(-?|--usage)][(-g|--gui)] [--height=value] [--width=value] [-x value] [-y value] [(-F value|--selectionFile=value)] [--quiet][--settingsUI=[gui|default]][--status=[none|gui|default]] [(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=value] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] [--hostname=value] issue id[--[no]showEditPanel] [--[no]confirmSave] [--[no]showIssueView]
im issues presents, in list form, all the issues for a specified query. You can also choose the columns to use in displaying the issues view information.
This command takes the universal options available to im commands, as well as some general options. See the options reference page for descriptions.
specifies whether to apply a display pattern to numeric fields. Display patterns are configured by your administrator and allow you to quantify integer and floating point field values, for example, as currency or percentages. --applyDisplayPattern is enabled by default.
If you use scripts, PTC recommends using the --noapplyDisplayPattern option to avoid being impacted by administrative changes to display patterns.
allows you to view rich content for issues as of a historical date or label. Use in conjunction with the --fields=::rich option. For example, to view the rich content of a Description field as of a specific date, type
im issues --fields=Description::rich --asOf="January 8, 2007 10:00:00 AM EST" 123
If a value is not provided the rich content information displays as of the server's current time.
Note the following:
If you specify a WEST or IST time zone, the time is not displayed correctly. Instead, use the time zone GMT+/-hours:minutes.
This option can only be specified when items are explicitly provided as a selection; it will not work when the --query option is used.
This option is intended only for use with the CLI or API and does not work when used with the -g option.
specifies the issue fields, and their respective widths, to be displayed. Your administrator defines the fields in an issue type. Fields can include ID, Type, Assigned User, Assigned Group, Summary, and others. Use commas to specify more than one field. The default fields displayed in the CLI are independent of the default fields (columns) specified in the GUI and Web interface.
For rich content fields, you can specify display patterns to display field values as rich content (:rich) or plain text (:plain). The rich content display pattern displays the underlying HTML elements and attributes in the rich content field. For example, --fields=Description::rich displays the Description field value with HTML elements and attributes. By default, rich content fields display plain text.
For relationship fields, you can specify the display pattern as a list of IDs (:idlist). When you use the Windchill RV&S-API the default presentation for a relationship field is a list of partial-representation items which requires the API to retrieve the related items from the Windchill RV&S Server. Use the display pattern with the Windchill RV&S-API to present the relationship field as a list of generic Windchill RV&S IDs to avoid the need for the additional item retrieval. The display pattern has no visible effect in the CLI.
specifies the string to be used as a delimiter between the fields in the display.
specifies the item ID to focus on in the table of returned issues.
specifies whether to sort the specified field in ascending or descending order.
specifies the field to sort issues by, for example, ID.
Note the following:
By default, issues are sorted by ID. Additional default fields that display are: type, state, and summary.
If a sorting field is specified with --sortField, that field is used.
If a list of fields are specified with --fields, the list of fields are used.
specifies any field filters to be applied to the query results. The first component of the value is the field name. Currently, only project field filters are supported. The second component specifies the project(s) that you want to filter the issues by. For example, --fieldFilter="Project=/Project1" filters for issues that have a value of Project1 in the Project field. If you do not specify a value, Windchill RV&S filters for issues with a value of Unspecified in the Project field.
Any project filtering applied to the query results in the GUI or Web interface does not apply in the CLI.
specifies whether to allow inline editing. This option must be specified with the -g/--gui option.
specifies whether to display variable height rows.
specifies whether to display the ! decorator to indicate a computed field in a versioned item contains an ambiguous computation. By default, the --noshowDecorators option is specified.
specifies if to display rich text field data in XHMTL format. Use with the --fields option and the :rich display pattern. The --[no]showXHTML option is intended for use in triggers, scripts, or custom integrations. The output converts all URLs to fully qualified server URLs. Special characters are included in the CLI output, but not the API output (API output is entity protected, for example < is converted to &lt;).
specifies whether to replace parameter references in text fields with a parameter value. For more information on how parameter values are determined, see the Windchill RV&S Help Center.
specifies the field from which the icon is taken. This is the icon that will be displayed for each node in the Outline pane.
specifies the fields and style that should be displayed for the tree nodes.
defines an output format for user-formatted text. The default formatting is suitable for interpretation by most users; the various formatting options are provided for programmatic control.
Uses the same values as --fields, but similar to a JAVA MessageFormat string (that is, it requires { } to surround each field). For example:
im viewsegment --structureFieldDisplayFormat="{ID},{Summary}"
specifies the query to use to populate the view. If not specified, Windchill RV&S uses the most recently run query.
specifies the item ID to highlight in the Structure column.
specifies to expand the nodes in the Structure column to a specified level, for example, 1, 2, 3. The default is one.
specifies a string to define the query constraints. For details of the query format, see the im createquery reference page.
To reference the original query in the new query so that any changes to the original query are reflected in the new query, define <subquery> as subquery[OriginalQuery].
issue id
specifies the issue identification number of the issue you want to display in the view. Overrides the --query option.
If document versioning is enabled, you can also specify versioned items. To type the ID of a versioned item, use the format Live Item ID-major.minor, for example, 184-1.2.
specifies whether to show the embedded item edit pannel. This option can be used in conjunction with the --[no]showIssueView option. If conflicts arise, the--[no]showEditPanel option always wins.
specifies whether to show the embedded item view. This option can be used in conjunction with the --[no]showEditPanel option. If conflicts arise, the --[no]showEditPanel option always wins.
specifies whether to prompt you to confirm changes are to be saved. This turns on and off whether you a confirmation window oepns when you save in this view.
See Also
Commands: im viewissue
Miscellaneous: options
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