im editperspective
edits an existing Windchill RV&S cross-cutting perspective
This command is available only through the Windchill RV&S Application Programming Interface (API).
im editperspective [--name=value] [--description=value] [--addContents=value] [--removeContents=value] [--reorderContents=value] [--shareWith=u=user1[:modify],user2[:modify]] [--fields=field] [--hostname=value] [--port=value] [--user=value] [(-?|--usage)] [(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [(-F value|--selectionFile=value)] [--cwd=value] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]]
im editperspective edits properties of an existing Windchill RV&S cross-cutting perspective.
You can edit only one cross-cutting perspective at a time.
You can edit only the cross-cutting perspectives that you have created or for which you have edit permissions.
You can edit the contents of a cross-cutting perspective using the addContents, removeContents and reorderContents options. These options are mutually exclusive and you can use only one option at a time during editing.
For example, the following command edits a cross-cutting perspective with ID 1000. The name and description are updated. Additionally, contents 112,114,116 from Document 162 and contents 194,196,198 from document 193 are included with asOf date configuration.
im editperspective --name=Pers01 --description="Pers01 desc" --addContents="documentID=111,asOf=label:Label1,contentIDs=112,114,116,documentID=162,asOf=Jul 16, 2020 11:29:17 PM,contentIDs=163,165,documentID=193,contentIDs=194,196,198" --fields="ID,Document ID, Text" 1000
Symbolic dates are evaluated using the time zone of the Windchill RV&S client.
In this example, the following command edits the cross-cutting perspective and removes the content from the cross-cutting perspective with ID 1000.
im editperspective --removeContents="documentID=111,asOf=label:Label1,contentIDs=112,documentID=162,asOf=Jul 16, 2020 11:29:17 PM,contentIDs=163" --name="Perspective Name" 1000
This command takes the universal options available to all im commands, as well as some general options. See the options reference page for descriptions.
specifies the name of the cross-cutting perspective. Names may be a maximum of 100 characters, and cannot contain square brackets.
specifies a short description for the cross-cutting perspective. Description can be a maximum of 500 characters.
Specifies the contents to be added to the cross-cutting perspective, where value is of the form documentID=<Issue ID>,[asOf=[<date>|label:<label>]],contentIDs=<Issue ID1,IssueID2,..>
asOf is optional and is used to add the contents pertaining to a historical date and label.
Both documentID and ContentIDs are mandatory. The value for the addContents options must be provided in this sequence only: {DocumentID,[asOf],contentIDs}
If a content is added with asOf label configuration using API, the asOf label value is displayed in the AS OF column of the cross-cutting perspective. However, if any content is added from DocStudio with asOf label configuration, the AS OF column in the cross-cutting perspective displays the asOf date value instead of asOf label value.
Specifies the contents to be removed from the cross-cutting perspective, where value is of the form documentID=<Issue ID>,[asOf=[<date>|label:<label>]],contentIDs=<Issue ID1,IssueID2,..>
The values of documentID asOf, and ContentID are required to uniquely identify the entry to be removed.
asOf is optional if it is not provided in the cross-cutting perspective entry.
The value for the removeContents options must be provided in this sequence only: {DocumentID,[asOf],contentIDs}
Specifies the contents to be reordered in the cross-cutting perspective, where value is of the form sourceContents=documentID<Issue ID>,[asOf=[<date>|label:<label>]],contentIDs=<Issue ID1,IssueID2,..>,location=<before/after>,targetContent=documentID=<Issue ID>,[asOf=[<date>|label:<label>]].contentIDs=<Issue ID>>
You can specify reorderContents multiple times in the command to reorder multiple contents in the cross-cutting perspective.
SourceContents specifies the cross-cutting perspective entries to be moved to a different location. Location specifies the location before or after the target content and targetContent specifies the target position in the cross-cutting perspective.
SourceContents can have multiple content IDs to be moved but targetContent contains only one content ID.
The cross-cutting perspective reordering algorithm processes the values provided for the --reorderContents option in the same order as specified in the command. The value format for sourceContents can accept multiple content IDs if those are from the same document. Else, you can specify --reorderContents option multiple times for reordering contents belonging to different documents. The resultant order in the cross-cutting perspective is based on the combinations of sourceContents and targetContent values specified for the --reorderContents option.
Ensure that you specify the required target content appropriately to obtain the desired reordering.
Consider the contents having IDs 124, 126, 128, 130 with Document ID as 123 and content having ID 129 with Document ID as 100. The following use cases in this example describe reordering scenarios where contents have been added to a cross-cutting perspective with ID 67 in the following order:
124, 126, 128, 129, 130.
Case 1: Reordering of the contents belonging to the same document as a part of a single --reorderContents option.
im editperspective --reorderContents="sourceContents=documentID=123,contentIDs=124,126,128,location=after,targetContent=documentID=123,contentIDs=130" 67
The resultant order will be 129, 130, 124, 126, 128.
Case 2: Reordering of the contents belonging to the same document or different documents using multiple --reorderContents option.
im editperspective --reorderContents="sourceContents=documentID=123,contentIDs=124,location=after,targetContent=documentID=123,contentIDs=130" --reorderContents="sourceContents=documentID=123,contentIDs=126,location=after,targetContent=documentID=123,contentIDs=130" --reorderContents="sourceContents=documentID=123,contentIDs=128,location=after,targetContent=documentID=123,contentIDs=130" --reorderContents="sourceContents=documentID=100,contentIDs=129,location=after,targetContent=documentID=123,contentIDs=130" 67
The resultant order will be 130, 129, 128, 126, 124.
As shown in this command, multiple reorderContents options are processed in a serial manner. Thus, if the contents are reordered under the same target content, then each of the subsequent --reorderContents option will override the reordering attempted by the previous option.
Case 3: Reordering of the contents belonging to the same document or different documents using multiple --reorderContents option with different target contents.
im editperspective --reorderContents="sourceContents=documentID=123,contentIDs=130,location=before,targetContent=documentID=123,contentIDs=124" --reorderContents="sourceContents=documentID=123,contentIDs=126,location=after,targetContent=documentID=123,contentIDs=128" --reorderContents="sourceContents=documentID=100,contentIDs=129,location=after,targetContent=documentID=123,contentIDs=126" 67
The resultant order will be 130, 124, 128, 126, 129.
specifies the users that can view and modify the cross-cutting perspective.
specifies the fields to be used as the default columns for the cross-cutting perspective. This setting overrides the current default columns.
See Also
Miscellaneous: options, preferences
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