im ci
checks in a new version for documents and content items
im ci [--significant] [--anyModification] [--force] [--[no|confirm]continueOnSingleValuedRelationship] [--[no]recurse]] [--description] [--[no]addDescriptionOnAll] [--[no]copyTestSteps] [--major] [--minor] [--hostname= server] [--port=number] [--password=password] [--user=name] [(-?|--usage)] [(-F file |--selectionFile=file)] [(-N|--no)] [(-Y|--yes)] [--[no]batch] [--cwd=directory] [--forceConfirm=[yes|no]] [(-g|--gui)] [--quiet] [--settingsUI=[gui|default]] [--status=[none|gui|default]] issue id...
im ci checks in a new version for documents and content items.
From Windchill RV&S, you can selectively version your content depending on the changes made to your content. You can use the --significant, --anyModification, or --force options to check in the contents of your documents.
To track the evolution of your documents through the project lifecycle, you create unique document versions at various stages of the project. You create a new version by checking in your document or content item. Creating a document or content version provides you with an exact record of the document as it was at the time you performed the check-in operation.
Requirements are dynamic in that they can change over their lifetime. When communicating with internal or external stakeholders about a specific requirement, it is vital that discussions are based on the same requirement definition. Yet it is often difficult to identify the exact definition of the requirement being referenced. While the live document ID provides a unique identifier for the requirement, it applies to any point in the requirement's history. Consequently, there is a need for a simple way to refer to an exact point in the history of a requirement and its definition.
Document versions solve this problem by providing a clear reference to a specific point in the history of a requirement document. When viewing a versioned document or its contents, or when looking at trace relationships for decomposition or verification, you have clear visibility into the information as it was at the time of the check-in operation.
In this way, a document or content version represents a specific and meaningful point in the history of the artifact. For example, with the requirement type, these are points that are meaningful to those working with the output of the requirements analyst. There is no benefit to versioning after each individual edit by an analyst, since all edits (including edits between versions) are always available in the history.
However, there is a need to identify key points, especially those when the analyst is ready to have their requirements reviewed or used by others. For example, during a review, when working to verify or validate the requirements, or when teams begin working to fulfill the requirements. At these key points, it is crucial that everyone references the exact same definition in a specified version.
For documents and content, the version identifier is numbered in the format Live Item ID-major.minor, where the Live Item ID is the number of the originating live document. The number to the left of the decimal point is the major version, and the number to the right of the decimal point is the minor version. Your Windchill RV&S administrator defines the pattern for version numbers by specifying values in workflow and document properties. For example, the default version number sequence is 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, ... 1.0, 1.1, 1.2. For information on the defined pattern for version numbers, contact your administrator.
You create a new version by checking in the document or content item. While the live document can continue to evolve through its lifecycle, a document version cannot be edited once you create it.
You cannot set an arbitrary version number. When an item is versioned, the system sets the next available version number according to the pattern defined by your administrator. When copying a versioned document, the version number on the existing document is not copied to the new document.
Documents can be versioned regardless of significant changes in the document item itself or in any of the containing items; however, if a content item is checked in and there are no significant changes, Windchill RV&S does not create a new version of the content.
For example, consider the following document versions:
• Document 100 is at version number 1.5 (document ID is 100-1.5). There have been significant changes to the document since the last version.
• Content item 200 is at version number 2.8 (content ID is 200-2.8). There have been no significant changes to the content item since the latest version.
• Document 300 is at version number 2.5 (document ID is 300-2.5). There have been no significant changes to the document since the last version.
im ci --minor 100
checks in a new version of Document 100 and updates the version number to 1.6 (the document ID of the new version is 100-1.6).
im ci --major 100
checks in a new version of Document 100 and updates the version number to 2.0 (the document ID of the new version is 100-2.0).
im ci --major 200
does not check in a new version of Content 200. Since there were no significant changes in the content item, Windchill RV&S does not create a new version.
im ci --major 300
checks in a new version of Document 300 and updates the version number to 3.0 (the document ID of the new version is 300-3.0).
Note the following:
• You must specify the type of check in you want to perform (either --major or --minor). If you do not specify either the--major or --minor option, an error occurs.
• If a content item is checked in and there are no significant changes, Windchill RV&S does not create a new version of the content.
• If a command does not support the use of a version ID, Windchill RV&S displays an error message when you enter the ID of a versioned document or content item. An error also occurs if you attempt to increment the revision of a versioned document or content item.
This command takes the universal options available to all
im commands, as well as some general options. See the
options reference page for descriptions.
• --significant
Versions only the significant edited items
• --anyModification
Versions all edited items
• --force
Versions all items even when no edits have been made.
• --description
specifies a description for the check in. A description can explain why a new version was created. This description can be viewed from the versioned item.
• --[no]addDescriptionOnAll
adds the description to the checked in version of content items. If a new version is not created, then the description is added to the latest existing version. If specifying --noaddDescriptionOnAll, then only content items with significant edits are updated. The default is --noaddDescriptionOnAll You cannot use --noaddDescriptionOnAll option with the --force check-in option.
• --major
increments the major version number. For example, if the current version is 100-1.5, incrementing the major version updates the version to 100-2.0.
• --minor
increments the minor version number. For example, if the current version is 100-1.5, incrementing the minor version updates the version to 1.6.
• --[no|confirm]continueOnSingleValuedRelationship
specifies whether confirmation is required to continue with a check-in operation when a single-valued relationship is found on the type. To be copied to the document version, the backward relationship field must allow multiple values.
• --[no]recurse
indicates if child items of the selection should also be checked in. This option applies only to content items that do not reference documents. This option is ignored for documents and content items that reference documents.
• --[no]copyTestSteps
copies the related test steps present in an item to the newer version. The test steps present in the nodes also get copied to their newer version. The copied related test steps can be viewed from the versioned item.
• segment id...
the ID of the document or content item you are creating the version for. To specify more than one document or content item, use a space separated list. If you specify a list that mixes documents and content items, the check-in operation is not performed. In addition, the check in operation is not performed if you specify a list that mixes two different types of content (content items that reference documents and content items that do not reference documents).
See Also