Deleting Users
When users are no longer required in your system, you can delete them from Windchill RV&S. You can delete more than one user at a time. Deleting a user only removes that user from the Windchill RV&S database; it does not remove the user from the realm.
You cannot delete a user if that user has been referenced anywhere in the system (for example, if a user has appeared in an item history or is assigned to an item). If the user is not active in the current Windchill RV&S realm, you can only delete that user if the user has not been previously referenced.
To delete a user in the GUI
1. From the Users view, select the user(s) you want to delete.
2. Select User > Delete. A confirmation dialog box displays. For information on deleting admin provided objects, see the Windchill RV&S Server Administration documentation.
3. To confirm the deletion, click Yes.
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