Service Pack Policies
Policies controlling service pack distribution are found in:
These policies specify the minimum and maximum version of the client that is allowed to connect to this server. The default behavior is to follow the published client/server compatibilities.
As administrator, you can make service packs mandatory for connecting clients by specifying the minimum version of the Windchill RV&S client that is allowed to connect to the Windchill RV&S server. A client that meets or exceeds the specified minimum is allowed to connect to the server.
Users with clients that do not meet the specified version are prompted to download the required service pack before they can continue with any other operations. Users with clients that meet the minimum allowed service pack, but exceed the maximum, are prompted to roll back the latest service pack before they can continue with any other operations.
The client > dialog box displays the current service pack level. Service packs are downloaded to the client ICServicePack directory located in the user’s home directory.
The following table outlines all available policy options (configurable and non-configurable) in the servicepack.policy file:
To determine the correct version number to use in the service pack policies, see the Service Pack Policy Properties section in the server, client or agent log file.
Service Pack Policy Option
Specifies the minimum base version of the Windchill RV&S client that can connect to the Windchill RV&S server. Follows the format: <major>.<minor>.<subminor>
For example, 10.0.0 means that to connect to the Integrity server, users must have at least client 10 installed.
The base version number is identified in the Agent/ClientBase property in the server, client or agent log file.
mksis.servicepack.minClientSP.<major>. <minor>.<subminor>=
Specifies the minimum service pack version of the Windchill RV&S client that can connect to the server. Follows the format:
For example, 10.0.0=001 means that to connect to the Integrity server, users must have at least Integrity server 10 SP1 installed.
• The <major>.<minor>.<subminor> version number is identified in the Agent/ClientBase property in the server, client or agent log file.
• The <servicepack> version number is identified in the Agent/ClientSP property in the server, client or agent log file.
Specifies the maximum base version of the Windchill RV&S client that can connect to the server. Follows the format: <major>.<minor>.<subminor>
For example, 10.0.0 means that to connect to the Integrity server, users cannot have a base version higher than Integrity server 10 installed.
The base version number is identified in the Agent/ClientBase property in the server, client or agent log file.
mksis.servicepack.maxClientSP.<major>. <minor>.<subminor>=
Specifies the maximum service pack version of the Windchill RV&S client that can connect to the Windchill RV&S server. Follows the format:
For example, 10.0.0=001 means that to connect to the Integrity server, users cannot have a service pack version higher than Integrity client 10 SP1 installed.
• The <major>.<minor>.<subminor> version number is identified in the Agent/ClientBase property in the server, client or agent log file.
• The <servicepack> version number is identified in the Agent/ClientSP property in the server, client or agent log file.
When set to true, blocks connections from clients that do not meet the service pack policy definition of client versions in the servicepack.policy file. The default value is false.
It is recommended to use this only when supported Windchill RV&S clients older than are updated with CPS containing client connection fixes.
Denying connections from unsupported clients
The following policy is provided to ensure that only the supported client versions can connect to the Windchill RV&S server:
mksis.servicepack.disconnectLessThanMinClientVersion: Once the CPS containing client connection fixes is installed on the clients older than Windchill RV&S, an administrator can set the policy to true. When set to true, blocks connections from clients versions that are older than the versions specified in the servicepack.policy file and displays an error message. The default value is false.
When the policy is set to false, the administrator must use the server diagnostics to determine the clients that need to be upgraded before disconnecting them for initiating the upgrade.
In the case of a proxy server setup, the administrator must ensure that the same CPS containing client connection fixes is configured for download. If the same CPS has not been configured and if the clients do not meet the service pack policy definition of client versions in the servicepack.policy, the connection to the server is not successful.
Note the following scenarios related to this policy:
• The values for minClientBase or minClientSP in the proxy server should not be less than the values of these policies in the main server.
• If the client version is greater than the value set for the mksis.servicepack.minClientBase.<Product Version> and less than the value set for the mksis.servicepack.minClientSP.<Product Version>, connection is established only if the corresponding CPS is available for download on the server side. If the corresponding CPS is not configured, connection is denied, and an error message is displayed.
• If you try to connect through a proxy server, CPS is checked on the main server.
• If more than one mksis.servicepack.minClientSP.<Product Version> is mentioned in the service pack policy then you can connect to the client with the corresponding product version only if the corresponding CPS is available on the server or the proxy side.
For more information see CS Article