To view the audit log using the Windchill RV&S administration client
To view an audit log, auditing must first be enabled by modifying the required properties in the file.
1. Open the Windchill RV&S administration client, and right click the node for Workflows and Documents node or the Configuration Management node to display the shortcut menu.
2. From the shortcut menu, select View Audit Log. The Find Audit Records dialog box displays.
3. For each filter you want to apply, enter the required information in the text field. For details on the information required for individual filter fields, see
Audit Log Filter Options.
4. When you enter information in a text field, a check mark displays in the corresponding filter check box. You can toggle through the symbols in the check box to change the application of the filter as follows:
Includes audit log records that contain the specified information.
Does not include records that contain the specified information.
Does not apply the filter (cleared).
5. Under Combine Selections Using, specify the logical operator to apply when running multiple filters.
A logical AND indicates that all of the conditions specified must be true for an operation to be included in the filtered records. For example, if you enter the user mchang and the operation of co (checkout), then the results include only those records where the user is mchang AND the operation is checkout (that is, where mchang performed a checkout operation).
A logical OR indicates that one or more of the conditions must be true for an operation to be included in the filtered records. For example, if you enter the user mchang OR the operation of co (checkout), the results include any record that includes the user mchang or a checkout operation. In this case, all operations performed by mchang would be included, as well as any checkout operations performed by other users.
| In general, the available filters search for records that contain the specified string rather than records that have exact equality for the string. Date and integer filters are compared for exact equality. |
6. Under Number of records to obtain, specify the total number of records you want returned. By default, the total number of records is set to 1000. The maximum number of records you can obtain at any one time is 10,000.
If the filter matches more than 10,000 records, only 10,000 records are returned. To ensure that all desired records are returned, narrow your search by specifying filters that are more restrictive. For example, you can use a date filter to restrict the total number of records returned.
7. To run the filter and view the audit log report, click OK. The Audit Log dialog box displays the detailed results in columns.
| You can configure the column view and sort the results by clicking the corresponding column header. To configure the column view, right click the column header bar and choose Columns from the shortcut menu. For more information on configuring columns, see the Windchill RV&S Help Center. |
8. To refresh the data using the same filters, select > . The data is refreshed to reflect any recent changes.
9. To change a filter and re-extract the data, select > . The Find Audit Records dialog box displays, allowing you to reset the filters.
10. To print the results shown in the audit log, click Print.
11. To close the dialog and return to the main window, click Close.