Replacing the Windchill RV&S Landing Page
For more advanced customization, such as displaying your company logo or removing administration links, you can replace the Windchill RV&S landing page that is loaded by default. Customize the default Windchill RV&S landing page index.html and save a copy of this custom landing page. You must also update the Windchill RV&S server configuration web.xml file used for launching the landing page to point to your custom landing page. After you select the new custom landing page for loading, you can further customize this page per your requirements.
To replace the landing page:
1. In a web browser, navigate to your Windchill RV&S application’s default HTML landing page. For example, https://<servername>:<port>/index.html
2. Right-click and select View page source.
3. Copy the contents and paste it in a standard text editor.
4. Save this file with a .html extension. For example, mylandingpage.html. You can now customize this HTML file as per your requirements.
For links to files that reside on the server (such as client executables or documentation), the root directory is installdir/data/. For example, adding a link to /documentation/Guide.pdf opens the Guide.pdf file, if it exists in the installdir/data/documentation/ directory on the Windchill RV&S server.
5. To add links to any of the web interfaces, copy the applicable JavaScript from index.html, to mylandingpage.html and modify the JavaScript as per your requirement.
6. Copy the custom HTML landing page file mylandingpage.html, to server/data/public_html/.
To point to the newly created custom landing page mylandingpage.html:
1. Navigate to the WAR file present on the Windchill RV&S serverinstalldir/server/mks/deploy/webui.war.
2. Use a tool (such as 7-Zip) to open the contents of the WAR file and navigate to the following file: installdir/server/mks/deploy/webui.war/WEB-INF/web.xml.
3. Open the web.xml file in a standard text editor.
4. Search for the following code and comment it:
5. Save the web.xml file.
6. Create a backup of the web.xml file in a different directory. You can reinstate the file from the backup if the webui.war is overwritten during a future software update.
7. Restart the Windchill RV&S server for the changes to take effect.
8. To access the customized landing page, enter the following URL in a supported browser: https://<server-name>:<port>/mylandingpage.html
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