Getting Started > Setting Client Preferences > Difference and Merge Tool Preferences > To set difference and merge tool preferences in the GUI
To set difference and merge tool preferences in the GUI
1. Select File > Preferences. The Preferences Configuration dialog box displays.
2. Click Configuration Management > Diff and Merge Tools. The Diff and Merge Tools pane displays.
3. Under Diff Tool Options, select one of the following options:
Select the Windchill RV&S Visual Difference Tool option to use the Visual Difference tool to view differences between revisions.
If the Windchill RV&S Visual Difference Tool option is enabled and your administrator sets a policy to disable differencing of store by reference members, you cannot use Windchill RV&S to difference revisions for store by reference members, even if the members are text files. To difference such members using a third party tool, specify either the Third Party Difference Tool option or Custom Command option.
Select the Third Party Difference Tool option if you want to use one of the following tools to view differences:
Araxis Merge, Araxis Ltd.
Beyond Compare 1.x, Scooter Software
Beyond Compare 2.x, Scooter Software
MKS Visual Difference (Classic), MKS Inc. (for MKS Toolkit users only)
Windiff, Microsoft
Select Custom Command to specify a particular program to view differences.
In the field, type the location and executable file name for the program you want to use, or click the Browse button to browse to the executable file.
You can supply the following arguments for the command to control how the third party tool operates:
{1} to display the title of the first file being compared (Araxis Merge only).
{2} to display the title of the file being compared to the first file (Araxis Merge only).
{3} the path to the first file being compared.
{4} the path to the file being compared to the first file.
Each argument must be quoted. For example, the command line for the ABC Difference tool could be:
abcdiff.exe "{3}" "{4}"
4. Under Merge Tool Options, select one of the following options:
Select the Windchill RV&S Visual Merge Tool option to use the Visual Merge tool to merge revisions.
If the Windchill RV&S Visual Merge Tool option is enabled and your administrator sets a policy to disable merging of store by reference members, you cannot use Windchill RV&S to merge revisions for store by reference members, even if the members are text files. To merge such members using a third party tool, specify either the Third Party Merge Tool option or Custom Command option.
Select the Third Party Merge Tool option if you want to use one of the following tools to perform manual merges:
Araxis Merge, Araxis Ltd.
Beyond Compare 2.x, Scooter Software
You should use a third party merge tool when merging files that Visual Merge cannot merge, for example, binary files or MS Word files.
You cannot suspend a merge operation and mark the working files for merging at a later time when using a third party merge tool.
Select Custom Command if you want to use a custom third party merge tool.
In the field, type the location and executable file name for the custom third party merge tool, or click the Browse button to browse to the executable file.
You can supply the following arguments for the command to control how the third party tool operates:
{0} to display the title of the common ancestor object of the files being merged.
{1} to display the title of the file being merged from.
{2} to display the title of the file being merged to.
{3} to display the title of the working file.
{4} the path to the common ancestor object of the files being merged.
{5} the path to the file being merged from.
{6} the path to the file being merged to.
{7} the path to the working file.
{8} the path to the output file. You can use this argument to save the merge results in a file other than the working file.
Each argument must be quoted. For example, the command line for the ABC Merge tool could be:
abcmerge.exe "{4}" "{7}" "{5}"
The order of these arguments depends on the third party tool you are using.
Third party merge tools are only used for manual merges. Automatic merges are always performed using Visual Merge.
5. Click OK to save your preferences.
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