Getting Started > Setting Client Preferences > Command Preferences > To set command preferences in the GUI
To set command preferences in the GUI
1. Select File > Preferences. The Preferences Configuration window opens.
2. In the tree pane, click Workflows and Documents > Commands or Configuration Management > Commands. The commands appear as a list of nodes.
3. From the list of command names in the tree pane, select a command to configure. For more information, see the table that follows.
Options that appear in bold indicate local settings configured by you.
4. If necessary, select a command’s option.
5. To restore a command’s default options, click Clear Local Settings.
6. Modify command options as necessary.
Preferences: Command Options
Add Member Attribute
Recurse Into Subprojects adds member attributes recursively to selected subproject members.
Add Label
Move Existing Label moves the label, if it exists, to the revision specified.
Recurse Into Subprojects adds the label recursively to subproject members.
Add Members
Author is the author name applied to the new members. Type a name in the Author field. If you do not type a name, Windchill RV&S uses the current user name.
Data Type specifies the member’s data type. To let Windchill RV&S determine the data type automatically, select Auto from the Data Type list. To specify a text file, select Text from the Data Type list. To specify a file containing unprintable characters or lines too long for text editors to handle, select Binary from the Data Type list.
The following On Existing Archive options apply when Windchill RV&S finds an existing in project archive for the member that you want to add:
Query User causes Windchill RV&S to ask you for confirmation on the action to be taken.
Share Archive causes Windchill RV&S to use the existing in project archive for the new member.
Create New Archive causes Windchill RV&S to create a new in project archive for the new member.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation.
The following On Existing Out Of Tree Archive options apply when Windchill RV&S finds an existing out of tree archive for the member that you want to add:
Query User causes Windchill RV&S to ask you for confirmation on the action to be taken.
Share Archive causes Windchill RV&S to use the existing out of tree archive for the new member.
Create New Archive causes Windchill RV&S to create a new in project archive for the new member.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation.
If Windchill RV&S finds both an in project and an out of tree archive for the member that you want to add, and the last member dropped was in project, the following options apply:
Share Archive causes Windchill RV&S to use the existing in project archive for the new member.
Create New Archive causes Windchill RV&S to create a new in project archive for the new member.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation.
If Windchill RV&S finds both an in project and an out of tree archive for the member that you want to add, and the last member dropped was out of tree, the following options apply:
Share Archive causes Windchill RV&S to use the existing out of tree archive for the member.
Create New Archive causes Windchill RV&S to search for an existing in project archive for the new member.
If an existing in project archive is found, you are prompted to choose from the following options:
Share Archive causes Windchill RV&S to use the existing in project archive for the new member.
Create New Archive causes Windchill RV&S to create a new in project archive for the new member.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation.
If an existing in project archive is not found, an in project archive is created for the new member.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation.
Windchill RV&S bases shared member archives on the last dropped member. When you create new archives, Windchill RV&S always creates in project archives, and Windchill RV&S automatically generates a new archive name and leaves the old archive unmodified.
On Inconsistent Line Terminators
Query User, if inconsistent line terminators are encountered, prompts user to specify action.
Normalize Line Terminators, if inconsistent line terminators are encountered, specifies to normalize the line terminators to native for the system. The working file is normalized and then the operation is deferred. If there are multiple operations that are impacted, each affected operation is deferred and other operations are committed if Windchill RV&S is configured to do so.
Cancel specifies to cancel the operation if inconsistent line terminators are encountered.
Save Working File Timestamp sets the timestamp of the revision in the history to the timestamp of the working file rather than to the time of check in.
Defer Add delays the add operation in the project until the deferred operation is submitted. The operation in the sandbox still takes place immediately.
Recurse Into Directories adds members that exist in directories of the current location.
Create Subprojects causes Windchill RV&S to create subprojects for each subdirectory encountered when adding members.
Close Change Package causes Windchill RV&S to close any change package associated with the Add operation.
Create Subprojects for Empty Directories causes Windchill RV&S to create subprojects for each empty subdirectory encountered when adding members. To succeed, this option needs Recurse Into Directories enabled.
Unexpand Keywords replaces literal values in the working file with keywords
Lock Revision locks the revision using the lock type specified in your locks policy. For information on the locks policy, contact your administrator.
Add Members From Archive
Create Subprojects causes Windchill RV&S to create subprojects for each subdirectory encountered when adding members.
Recurse Into Directories adds members that exist in directories of the current location.
Close Change Package causes Windchill RV&S to close any change package associated with the Add Members From Archive operation.
Defer Add From Archive delays the add operation in the project until the deferred operation is submitted. The operation in the sandbox still takes place immediately.
Add Project Label
Move Existing Label moves the label, if it exists, to the revision specified.
Recurse Into Subprojects controls whether to assign the label to subprojects recursively.
If a subproject is not in the most recent checkpoint for the project selection due to it being unchanged, that subproject is not labeled. To label such subprojects and members, use the Include Unchanged Subprojects option with this command.
If you do not have permission to access a subproject, an error is displayed and the subproject and all of its child subprojects are not labeled.
If you do not have permission to move a label, an error is displayed for the affected subproject.
If a subproject is configured as build, the subproject is not labeled. Consequently, build subprojects on extendable development paths are also not labeled. To force the labeling of build subprojects, specify the Include Unchanged Subprojects option.
Include Unchanged Subprojects labels both unchanged subprojects and build subprojects.
Add Subproject
Select one of the following options as the preferred type of subproject when adding a subproject to a project:
Normal adds a subproject based on the current state of the project.
Variant adds a subproject based on a specific revision of the master project and is used for branching off the main development path.
Build adds a static subproject based on a specific revision of the master project that is used for building or testing the project but not for further development.
Default adds a subproject based on the parent project type. For more information on the default type, see your administrator.
Close Change Package causes Windchill RV&S to close any change package associated with the operation.
Append Revision Description
Recurse Into Subprojects appends the revision description recursively to subproject members.
Apply Change Package General Options
Confirm Actions causes Windchill RV&S to confirm all operations with you before starting them.
Notify determines if and when a notification window opens. You can have a notification window open when the operation completes or when an error occurs. Or, you can specify that a notification window is never to open.
Create Variants causes Windchill RV&S to create variant projects within the new project as required to apply the change package members.
Close Change Package closes the propagation change package specified for the Apply Change Package operation.
Backfill determines how dependent change packages are treated. You can select from the following options:
Entire Change Packages chooses all historic revisions required by the specified change packages and applies them by updating the member revisions, adding files, or dropping files. The user is not prompted to confirm the backfill list.
Back Revisions Only processes only the specified change packages and chooses only directly associated revisions. It does not process any change packages that are associated with intermediate revisions.
Error terminates the operation if other change packages are required but are not specified.
Skip Revisions causes Windchill RV&S to merge around specified backfill revisions. Because the Apply Change Package command does not perform merging, this is treated as an error.
Ask to Specify allows you to select the specific change packages you want to include. For the Apply CP operation, a list of additional change packages displays. The presented list of change packages cannot be manipulated. You must either accept the entire list or the operation fails.
Apply Change Package Advanced Options
Use Master causes Windchill RV&S to operate on the top-level sandbox. When the selected change package is associated with a member in a subsandbox, specifying Use Master causes the command to operate on the top-level sandbox for that subsandbox.
Span Projects applies the command to any member specified in the change package, even if this involves a different project than the one from which you started.
This is the only operation that has the potential to affect other projects.
Raise error if member is already in project terminates the command if the member being applied is already in the project. If this setting is negated (as in noAlreadyInProjectIsError), the information displays as a warning.
Raise error if member of other project terminates the command if the member being applied is in another project. If this setting is negated (as in noOtherProjectIsError), the information displays as a warning.
Ignore Server in Change Package causes Windchill RV&S to perform the Apply Change Package operation even if the change package members reside on different servers.
Ignore Cross-Branch Entries causes Windchill RV&S to use the most recent revision when it encounters two revisions of the same member on different branches.
Ignore Update Revision Entries ignores update revision entries in a change package. There is no user prompt.
Propagate Subprojects determines how Windchill RV&S treats subproject operations required by the specified change packages.
You can select from the following options:
Explicitly adds, drops, or moves a subproject only if there is an explicit command to do so in the change package.
Implicitly adds, drops, or moves a subproject if the operation is implicitly required based on the change package entries. For example, assume that you are adding a member that is part of a subproject that does not exist in the larger project being updated. The subproject is added. If you are applying change packages created in an MKS Source or Windchill RV&S Source version, using this option is recommended.
Notify when Complete specifies whether to open a notification window when the operation completes.
Author is the author name applied to the checkpoint. Type a name in the Author field. If you do not type a name, Windchill RV&S uses the current user name.
Apply State to All Members applies the checkpoint state to all project members.
Apply Label to All Members applies the checkpoint label to all project members.
Label Unchanged Subprojects adds the project label to both unchanged subprojects and build subprojects. To reduce the command impact on users, the labels are applied after the lock on the project hierarchy is released.
Checkpoint Unchanged Subprojects specifies if to checkpoint subprojects that have not changed. If the option is cleared, the existing revision for the subproject is used in the parent project checkpoint revision. When the Checkpoint Unchanged Subprojects option is cleared, the following is true:
The checkpoint description is not added or appended to the project revision for the unchanged subprojects.
If the Label Unchanged Subprojects option is not set, the checkpoint label is not added to the revision for the unchanged subprojects.
If the subproject revision was created in a version earlier than Integrity 10.7, the unchanged subproject is checkpointed and its revision incremented. Only subproject revisions created by Integrity 10.7 or later can be detected as unchanged.
Check In
Move Existing Label moves the label, if it exists, to the revision specified.
Lock Revision causes Windchill RV&S to check in the working file, then immediately lock the new revision. This allows you to update the archive while retaining control of the revision.
If this option is not set, the new revision is not locked following the check in.
Close Change Package causes Windchill RV&S to close any change package associated with the Check In operation.
Defer Check In causes Windchill RV&S to delay the check in of the revision. If you have locked the member, your lock remains on the revision and Windchill RV&S displays version information for both the working and member revisions. If a change package is specified, a Deferred Check In (Lock) or Deferred Check In (No Lock) entry is recorded in the change package. Once you submit the checkin, your lock is removed and the member revision moves to the next number in the sequence, as in the case of a standard checkin operation.
Check In if Unchanged checks in the working file even if it has not changed since it was checked out.
Update Member Revision makes the new revision the member revision in the project, replacing the existing member revision.
Author is the author name applied to the revision. Type a name in the Author field. If you do not type a name, Windchill RV&S uses the current user name.
Update Member Revision Even if not Current causes Windchill RV&S to update the member revision on check in, even when the locked revision is not the current member revision.
Unexpand Keywords replaces literal values with keywords in the checked in revision.
On Newer Revision allows you to determine what happens when the revision being checked in is not the member revision in the development path. You can select one of the following options:
To resynchronize the member revision into the working file and move the lock (if any) to the member revision, select Resynchronize. The check in operation is not completed. You should perform additional testing on the merged file before checking it in.
To resynchronize the member revision into the working file by change package, and move the lock (if any) to the member revision, select Resynchronize By Change Package. The check in operation is not completed. You should perform additional testing on the merged file before checking it in. To use this option, the member revision must be associated with a change package.
To be asked to confirm the action to be taken, select Confirm.
To cancel the check in operation, select Cancel.
Force Creation of New Branch causes Windchill RV&S to create a branch off the revision you are checking in.
Save Working File Timestamp sets the timestamp of the revision in the history to the timestamp of the working file, rather than the time of check in.
Create Branch if Variant controls whether to create a branch when in a variant context and branching is optional. Branching is optional if the revision being checked in is the branch tip. If the revision is a previous revision on the branch, then a new revision branch must be created regardless of this option’s value. Note that this check is done once per member on the development path, and is not done again on future check in operations for that member.
In the Web interface only, select from one of the following options:
Select Yes to create a branch.
Select No to not create a branch.
Select Confirm to be asked for confirmation of the action to be taken.
On Inconsistent Line Terminators
Query User, if inconsistent line terminators are encountered, prompts user to specify action.
Normalize Line Terminators, if inconsistent line terminators are encountered, specifies to normalize the line terminators to native for the system. The working file is normalized and then the operation is deferred. If there are multiple operations that are impacted, each affected operation is deferred and other operations are committed if Windchill RV&S is configured to do so.
Cancel specifies to cancel the operation if inconsistent line terminators are encountered.
Check Out
Lock Revision allows you to determine whether the member is locked on checkout. You can select from the following options:
To obtain a lock on checkout, select Yes
To check out without a lock, select No
To obtain a lock on checkout based on the locks policy, select Follow Policy. For information on the locks policy, contact your administrator.
Move My Lock moves any lock you have on a revision in the same development path to the member revision. You can only have one lock per member per development path. If you already have another revision locked, you need to remove that lock to the member revision for the check in to succeed. See the Downgrade My Lock on Lock Conflict option on the Advanced tab for information on what occurs if the member revision already has an exclusive lock.
Overwrite if Deferred Operation Exists overwrites the working file if the file has changed and there is a deferred operation pending on the member.
Overwrite Working File if Changed overwrites the working file even if the member has changed since it was last checked in.
Lock Type allows you to determine the type of lock obtained on checkout. Select one of the following options:
To obtain an exclusive lock on the member, select Exclusive. Exclusive locks enable only one user at a time to lock a specific revision.
To obtain a non-exclusive lock on the member, select Non Exclusive. Non-exclusive locks enable multiple users to check out the same revision for editing.
To obtain a lock type based on the locks policy, select Follow Policy. For information on the locks policy, contact your administrator. If the locks policy is None (no lock required), but the Lock Revision option is selected, a non-exclusive lock is obtained.
Update Member Revision causes the revision you check out to become the new member revision of the project. For example, if the current project member is listed as Revision 2.3 and you check out Revision 1.7 with this option selected, Revision 1.7 replaces Revision 2.3 as the member of the project.
Downgrade My Lock on Lock Conflict obtains a non-exclusive lock if another user has an exclusive lock on the revision.
Restore Revision Timestamp sets the timestamp of the working file (that the revision is checked out to) to the date and time of the revision in the history. If this option is cleared, the working file’s timestamp is set to the current date and time.
Merge Working File if Changed automatically merges any changes from the working file into the revision being checked out.
Keywords allows you to select keyword expansion options when checking out a member. To leave keywords unexpanded, select Do Not Expand from the Keywords list. To replace keywords in the revision with literal values in the working file, select Expand from the Keywords list. To replace literal values in the revision with keywords, select UnExpand from the Keywords list.
Merge Type specifies the action to be taken when merging revisions. Select one of the following options:
Confirm causes Windchill RV&S to confirm the action to be taken each time you merge on checkout.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation.
Automatic causes Windchill RV&S to perform an automatic merge.
Manual (Launch Tool) causes Windchill RV&S to initiate the Visual Merge tool or a third-party merge tool, depending on your preferences. For more information, see Difference and Merge Tool Preferences.
On Conflicts specifies the action to be taken when merge conflicts occur. Select one of the following options:
Confirm causes Windchill RV&S to confirm the action to take when a conflict occurs.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation when a conflict occurs.
Mark For Later Merge causes Windchill RV&S to mark the files for merging at another time, allowing you to resolve the conflict first.
Launch Tool causes Windchill RV&S to initiate the Visual Merge tool.
Highlight Output File causes Windchill RV&S to highlight conflicts in the resulting merged revision.
Error causes Windchill RV&S to display an error message prompt.
Ask for change package causes Windchill RV&S to ask for a change package when performing a checkout
Pre-Defined Revision specifies the revision type to check out:
Member checks out the member revision, that is, the revision shown in the Project view (this is the default).
Working checks out the working file.
Head checks out the head revision.
Trunk Tip checks out the latest revision in the trunk.
Member Branch Tip checks out the latest revision along the member’s current branch of development.
Close Change Package
Release Locks causes Windchill RV&S to release all locks on members in the change package.
Allow Orphaned Deferred Operations allows the change package to be closed without first submitting its deferred entries.
Orphaned Deferred operations can never be submitted using the Submit Change Package command.
Remove Work In Progress removes work in progress change package entries before closing the change package. If you do not remove work in progress entries, you cannot close the change package.
Configure Subproject
Select one of the following options as the preferred type of subproject when configuring a subproject:
Normal configures a subproject based on the current state of the project.
Variant configures a subproject based on a specific revision of the master project and is used for branching off the main development path.
Build configures a static subproject based on a specific revision of the master project that is used for building or testing the project, but not for further development.
Reset to default value configures a subproject based on the parent project type. For more information on the default type, see your administrator.
Close Change Package causes Windchill RV&S to close any change package associated with the operation.
Create Sandboxes
Populate Sandbox causes Windchill RV&S to add working files to the sandbox.
Recurse Into Subprojects creates Subsandboxes recursively from subprojects.
Line Terminator determines the type of line terminator Windchill RV&S uses when dealing with sandbox members:
Native (or automatic, the default setting)
lf (or line feed, primarily for Linux applications)
Continue After Recoverable Outages ensures that if a failover occurs, the command continues when the Windchill RV&S client reconnects after the failover. For more information on the Windchill RV&S server failover mechanism, contact PTC Technical Support.
Make Sandbox Sparse creates a sandbox with no working files and defers the creation of sandbox directories and subsandboxes until you need to work with them. A sparse sandbox does not retain working files when a member is checked in. It continues to function this way throughout its use. However, once created, sandbox directories and subsandboxes remain in the sandbox.
View Sandbox After Creation displays the sandbox after it is created.
Sandbox Scope defines what members are included in the sandbox. A sandbox scope transfers specific members from the Windchill RV&S server to the sandbox directory when the sandbox is created. It also controls what members display in the Sandbox view. For more information, see Specifying the Sandbox Scope.
Click Change Scope and then click a check box to include () or invert () one or more of the following options:
All Members specifies all project members. This is the default setting.
Members with Attribute specifies project members with an attribute or an attribute set to a value, for example, Beta or OS=Windows. This option is case-sensitive.
Members with Path specifies project members that reside in a directory, relative to the top-level sandbox. An example is watch/lib/*. The specified path does not differentiate between subdirectories and subproject names. This means that you cannot specify individual co-located subprojects.
If the client OS is a case-sensitive file system and the database repository on the server is case-sensitive, this option is case-sensitive. Otherwise, this option is case-insensitive.
Members with Name specifies project members with a name or file extension, for example, Readme.txt or *.java. A name is only valid for a file name, not a leading directory prefix.
If the client OS is a case-sensitive file system and the database repository on the server is case-sensitive, this option is case-sensitive. Otherwise, this option is case-insensitive.
Members with Label at Member Revision specifies project members with a label at member revision, for example, TEST. This option is case-sensitive and accepts wildcards (* and ?).
Members with Label at Any Revision specifies project members with a label at any revision, for example, PROD. This option is case-sensitive and accepts wildcards (* and ?).
Members with Archive Type specifies project members that are a Binary or Text archive type.
Combine Selections Using Logical AND or Combine Selections Using Logical OR combines multiple sandbox scope selections using a logical AND or OR operator. For example, assume that you want to include project members with member attribute Beta AND name *.java. You set With Attribute to Beta, Members with Name to *.java, and enable Logical AND.
Using the si createsandbox command, you can create and edit more complex sandbox member scope definitions using a combination of logical AND or OR operators. However, editing these definitions from the GUI might not be possible. If you attempt to edit a complex member scope definition from the GUI, Windchill RV&S truncates the definition to what the GUI is capable of displaying. If you attempt to edit a complex member scope definition using the si configuresandbox -g/gui command, Windchill RV&S displays a warning message that choosing to edit the member scope definition removes the options that the GUI is not capable of displaying.
If the client OS is a case-sensitive file system and the database repository on the server is case-sensitive, Members with Path and Members with Name are case-sensitive. Otherwise, these options are case-insensitive.
After the sandbox is created, the title bar in the Sandbox view indicates that the sandbox is a scoped sandbox.
You can view and change the scope definition while creating sandboxes using the Create Sandbox Wizard, from the Sandbox Information window, or using the si configureandbox command. Changes to the scope definition are automatically reflected in the Sandbox view. Members with working files in the sandbox that no longer match the scope definition display deltas, but they remain in the sandbox. Selecting one of the members indicates that a working file exists and the member does not match the sandbox scope. Performing a Resynchronize or Revert operation removes the members from the sandbox.
Create Subprojects
Create one subproject per directory, as required creates one subproject for each directory encountered when creating the subproject.
If the project already exists, add it adds an existing subproject to the project. This can be useful if the existing subproject had been dropped from a project.
Close Change Package causes Windchill RV&S to close any change package associated with the operation.
Create Development Path
On Existing Development Path specifies the action to take if the development path has the same name as an existing development path on a subproject in the target project:
Query User prompts you to confirm using the existing development path for the target project.
Cancel means cancel the operation and choose a new development path name.
Share Development Path uses the existing development path for the target project.
Creation Method specifies the way to create the development path:
Full creates a full development path in a single locking transaction.
Extendable creates an extendable development path. For information about extendable development paths, see Extending an Extendable Development Path.
Non-extendable with all subprojects configured as build creates a development path at the root of a project hierarchy. All subprojects are explicitly configured as build and marked as non-extendable.
On Live Configuration specifies how to treat live subprojects (live configurations are subprojects that are configured to either normal or to a variant other than the variant you are creating):
Retain the existing live configuration of the subproject specifies that the project tree retain its existing live configuration. All live configurations remain live in the new development path.
Create the development path on the subproject creates the development path on all previously live subprojects.
Delete Label
Recurse Into Subprojects deletes the label recursively from members in subprojects.
Delete Project Label
Recurse Into Subprojects deletes the label recursively from a project and its subprojects.
The first project where the label is found is the project that the command uses to recurse. When performing the recursion, the label is deleted from whichever revision of the subproject the label exists on. For subprojects to be included, they must exist on the revision of the first project where the label is found.
If the label cannot be found on the revision of the specified project, the command continues to recurse until the label is found on any revision for that project.
If the label cannot be deleted, the command stops recursion for that project; consequently the label is not deleted for that project’s child subprojects.
Delete Revision
Confirm Delete causes Windchill RV&S to prompt you for confirmation before the revision is deleted from the project.
Recurse Into Subprojects deletes the revision recursively in members of subprojects.
Confirm in use Delete causes Windchill RV&S to warn you about deleting the revision if it is used in the current project, other projects, or any checkpoints.
Recurse Into Subprojects recursively demotes subproject members.
Ignore Blanks ignores whitespace at the end of lines when comparing the selected revision and the member's working file or another revision.
Ignore Whitespace ignores tabs and spaces anywhere in a line when comparing the selected revision and the member's working file or another revision.
Ignore Case ignores differences between uppercase and lowercase text when comparing the selected revision and the member's working file or another revision.
Character Encoding specifies the encoding used to display revision contents.
Discard Change Package
Confirm Discard confirms the removal of a change package from the repository.
Discard Change Package Entry
Confirm Discard confirms the removal of a change package entry from the change package.
Delete Working File deletes the member working file when dropped from the project.
Confirm Drop causes Windchill RV&S to prompt you for confirmation before the member or subproject is dropped from the project.
Defer Drop Member delays the drop operation in the project until the deferred operation is submitted. The operation in the sandbox still takes place immediately.
Close Change Package causes Windchill RV&S to close any change package associated with the operation.
Drop Member Attribute
Recurse Into Subprojects recursively drops member attributes from members in subprojects.
Drop Sandboxes
Delete allows you to select delete options when dropping a sandbox:
To drop the sandbox without deleting any members, select Nothing.
To delete sandbox members only, select Sandbox Members Only.
To delete the sandbox directory and all of its contents, select Entire Sandbox Directory.
Confirm Drop causes a window to open so that you can confirm the drop of the sandbox.
Export Sandbox
Files to Include in the Export specifies the files to include in the exported Sandbox.
None specifies not to include working files.
Sandbox Members Only specifies to only include working files that correspond to members. Note that former members and deferred operations are also included.
Entire Sandbox Directory specifies to include all working files located in the corresponding Sandbox directory, even if the files do not correspond to members.
Overwrite an Existing Target File specifies whether or not to overwrite an existing .pjx file.
Recurse Into Subprojects recursively freezes members in subprojects.
Import Sandbox
Files to Include in the Import specifies the files to include when importing the Sandbox. This option is only relevant when specifying a .pjx file for import.
None specifies not to import working files in the Sandbox import operation. Working files can be obtained after import by resynchronzing the Sandbox.
Sandbox Members Only specifies to only include working files that correspond to members. Note that former members and deferred operations are also included.
All Files specifies to import all working files in the Sandbox. Note that non-member files are not added as members to the project, but the files are copied to the corresponding Sandbox directory.
Overwrite an Existing File in the Sandbox Directory specifies whether or not to overwrite an existing file in the target Sandbox directory. This option is only relevant when specifying a .pjx file for import.
View Sandbox After Import specifies whether or not to open the Sandbox view after this Sandbox is imported and registered on the client.
Lock Type allows you to determine the type of lock obtained. Select one of the following options:
To obtain an exclusive lock on the member, select Exclusive. Exclusive locks enable only one user at a time to lock a specific revision.
To obtain a non-exclusive lock on the member, select Non Exclusive. Non-exclusive locks enable multiple users to check out the same revision for editing.
To obtain a lock type based on the locks policy, select Follow Policy. For information on the locks policy, contact your administrator.
Downgrade My Lock on Lock Conflict obtains a non-exclusive lock if another user has an exclusive lock on the revision.
Revision Mismatch is Error causes an error to display if the working revision does not match the member revision. This option only displays if you are performing the Lock operation from a sandbox.
Recurse Into Subprojects locks all members in subprojects.
Ask for change package causes Windchill RV&S to ask for a change package when performing a lock.
Merge Branch
Lock target revision locks the merged revision when the merge is complete using the lock type specified in your locks policy. For information on the locks policy, contact your administrator.
Merge Type specifies the action to be taken when merging revisions. Select one of the following options from the list:
Confirm causes Windchill RV&S to confirm the action to be taken each time you merge revisions.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation.
Automatic causes Windchill RV&S to perform an automatic merge.
Manual (Launch Tool) causes Windchill RV&S to initiate the Visual Merge tool or a third-party merge tool, depending on your preferences. For more information, see Difference and Merge Tool Preferences.
On Conflicts specifies the action to be taken when merge conflicts occur. Select one of the following options from the list:
Confirm causes Windchill RV&S to confirm the action to take when a conflict occurs.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation when a conflict occurs.
Mark For Later Merge causes Windchill RV&S to mark the files for merging at another time, allowing you to resolve the conflict first.
Launch Tool causes Windchill RV&S to initiate the Visual Merge tool.
Highlight Output File causes Windchill RV&S to highlight conflicts in the resulting merged revision.
Error causes Windchill RV&S to display an error message prompt.
Merge Type specifies the action to be taken when merging revisions. Select one of the following options from the list:
Confirm causes Windchill RV&S to confirm the action to be taken each time you merge revisions.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation.
Automatic causes Windchill RV&S to perform an automatic merge.
Manual (Launch Tool) causes Windchill RV&S to initiate the Visual Merge tool or a third-party merge tool, depending on your preferences. For more information, see Difference and Merge Tool Preferences.
On Conflicts specifies the action to be taken when merge conflicts occur. Select one of the following options from the list:
Confirm causes Windchill RV&S to confirm the action to take when a conflict occurs.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation when a conflict occurs.
Mark For Later Merge causes Windchill RV&S to mark the files for merging at another time, allowing you to resolve the conflict first.
Launch Tool causes Windchill RV&S to initiate the Visual Merge tool.
Highlight Output File causes Windchill RV&S to highlight conflicts in the resulting merged revision.
Error causes Windchill RV&S to display an error message prompt.
Character Encoding specifies the encoding to use for the revision contents.
If you are merging files that contain a character encoding different than the default system character encoding, and the files being merged do not include a byte order mark (BOM), you may need to set the Character Encoding option to the correct encoding for the files being merged. It is important to understand the consequences of setting all merges to use a specific character encoding. Only set the preference if you are sure all of the files being merged use that encoding.
Move Change Package Entry
Confirm Move confirms the movement of a change package entry from one change package to another change package.
Move Members
Move Working File moves the working file into the sandbox immediately. This option is valid only if you are moving one or more members from a source sandbox to a target sandbox
Confirm Move confirms the move before proceeding.
Create Subprojects creates a subproject in the directory that the member is moving to (if it does not exist) and adds the member to it.
Overwrite Existing File overwrites the target (new name) working file if it exists. This option is valid only if you are moving one or more members from a source sandbox to a target sandbox.
Defer Move delays the move operation in the project until the deferred operation is submitted. This option is valid only if you are deferring the move of one or more members from a source sandbox to a target sandbox.
Close Change Package closes the associated change package.
Move Subprojects
Move Working Files controls whether to move existing working files in the subproject you are moving.
None does not move any existing working files.
Subsandbox Members Only moves only the existing working files in the Subsandbox.
Entire Subsandbox Directory moves the entire Subsandbox directory. This option is valid only if you are moving one or more subprojects from a source sandbox to a target sandbox.
Overwrite Existing Files overwrites working files if they exist in the new location. This option is valid only if you are moving one or more subprojects from a source sandbox to a target sandbox.
Confirm Move confirms the move before proceeding.
Create Subprojects creates subprojects in directories that do not contain subprojects.
Close Change Package causes Windchill RV&S to close any change package associated with the operation.
Recurse Into Subprojects promotes all members in subprojects.
Rename Member
Rename Working File renames the working file in your sandbox and preserves any changes made to that file. If not set, the working file is not renamed and becomes a former member that will be confirmed for deletion when the sandbox is next resynchronized. This setting has no effect if the command is performed directly from a Project view.
Confirm Rename causes Windchill RV&S to confirm that you want to rename the selected member.
Close Change Package closes the specified change package after performing the rename operation.
Overwrite Existing File replaces the existing working file in the sandbox.
Defer Rename delays the rename operation in the project until the deferred operation is submitted.
Restore Project
Resulting Subproject Configuration specifies how the restore operation affects subprojects.
On development path except explicitly configured subprojects (Legacy) specifies that any subprojects that were configured the same as their immediate parent in the reference checkpoint are configured on the same development path as their immediate parent. If the immediate parent’s resulting configuration is on mainline, the subprojects are configured on mainline. All subprojects that are configured differently from their immediate parent are configured the same way that they were configured in the reference checkpoint
On development path specifies that all subprojects are configured on the same development path as the project to which you are restoring (or to mainline if the project is currently on mainline). Any subprojects that were configured as build in the reference checkpoint continue to be configured as build, pointing to the revision from the reference checkpoint.
Lightweight (Build) specifies that all subprojects are configured as build subprojects, pointing to the revision from the reference checkpoint. Shared subprojects are configured as shared build subprojects.
Retain current configuration specifies that the current subproject configuration does not change, regardless of the configuration in the reference checkpoint. Any subprojects from the reference checkpoint that were dropped are added back and configured as build subprojects. Any subprojects that are currently configured as build retain their configuration. However, their revision is updated to point to the same revision from the reference checkpoint.
Restore Revision Timestamp sets the timestamp of the working file (that the revision is checked out to) to the date and time of the revision in the history. If this option is not set, the working file’s timestamp is set to the current date and time.
Overwrite Working File if Changed overwrites the working file even if it has changed.
Force Overwrite Even if Unchanged overwrites the working file even if it is unchanged.
Overwrite if Deferred Operation Exists overwrites the working file if the file has changed and there is a deferred operation pending on the member.
Remove Working File if Out of Scope removes a current member’s working file if it does not match the sandbox scope definition. For example, the scope definition or member changes (such as modified member attributes). Sandbox Scope defines what project members are included in the sandbox, transferring specific members from the Windchill RV&S server to the sandbox directory when the sandbox is created and controlling what members display in the Sandbox view.
Overwrite if Pending overwrites the working file even if it is a pending revision.
Merge Working File if Changed merges the modified working file with the member revision.
Recurse into Subprojects recursively resynchronizes members in subprojects.
Confirm Populate of a Sparse Sandbox causes Windchill RV&S to prompt you to confirm if you want to populate a sparse sandbox.
Keywords allows you to select keyword expansion options when resynchronizing.
To replace keywords in the revision with literal values in the working file, select Expand.
To leave keywords unexpanded, select Do Not Expand.
To replace literal values in the revision with keywords, select Unexpand.
Merge Type specifies the action to be taken when merging revisions. Select one of the following options from the list:
Confirm causes Windchill RV&S to confirm the action to take when merging on resynchronizing.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation.
Automatic causes Windchill RV&S to perform an automatic merge.
Manual (Launch Tool) causes Windchill RV&S to initiate the Visual Merge tool or a third-party merge tool, depending on your preferences (see Difference and Merge Tool Preferences).
Continue After Recoverable Outages ensures that if a failover of the Windchill RV&S server occurs when resynchronizing, the Windchill RV&S client reconnects after the failover, and the command continues. For more information on the Windchill RV&S server failover mechanism, contact PTC Technical Support.
On Conflicts specifies the action to be taken when merge conflicts occur. Select one of the following options from the list:
Confirm causes Windchill RV&S to confirm the action to take when a conflict occurs.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to cancel the operation when a conflict occurs.
Mark For Later Merge causes Windchill RV&S to mark the files for merging at another time, allowing you to resolve the conflict first.
Launch Tool causes Windchill RV&S to initiate the Visual Merge tool.
Highlight Output File causes Windchill RV&S to highlight conflicts in the resulting merged revision.
Error causes Windchill RV&S to display an error message prompt.
Resynchronize Change Package General Options
Confirm Actions causes Windchill RV&S to confirm all operations with you before starting them.
Notify determines if and when a notification window opens. You can have a notification window open when the operation completes or when an error occurs. Or, you can specify that a notification window is never to open.
Create Variants causes Windchill RV&S to create new variant subprojects within the variant project as required to apply the change package members. If the main project contains required files that reside in a subproject, the Create Variants option creates variant subprojects for these files to be placed into.
Continue On Errors causes Windchill RV&S to continue to process the change package if errors occur while resynchronizing. If Notify is set to On Completion, any errors are reported when the operation completes.
Merge On Branch causes Windchill RV&S to perform a merge if the target revision is on a branch. Windchill RV&S differences the two file revisions and merges any changes into the working file without modifying its revision number. You must then check in the working file to advance the revision to the next available revision number.
Merge Type determines what occurs if a merge is required to resynchronize the change package.
Confirm causes Windchill RV&S to confirm the merge.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to stop the merge from occurring.
Automatic causes Windchill RV&S to perform the merge without prior confirmation.
Manual (Launch Tool) causes Windchill RV&S to initiate the Visual Merge tool or a third-party merge tool, depending on your preferences (see Difference and Merge Tool Preferences).
On Conflicts determines how conflicting rows are treated.
Confirm causes Windchill RV&S to request input from the user to resolve the conflict.
Cancel causes Windchill RV&S to stop the resynchronization.
Mark For Later Merge marks the conflicting lines so they can be addressed later.
Launch Tool causes Windchill RV&S to launch the default differencing tool.
Highlight Output File highlights each line conflict in working file.
Error causes Windchill RV&S to display an error message prompt.
Backfill determines how dependent change packages are treated. You can select from the following options:
Entire Change Packages chooses all historic revisions required by the specified change packages and applies them by updating the member revisions, adding files, or dropping files. The user is not prompted to confirm the backfill list.
Back Revisions Only processes only the specified change packages and chooses only directly associated revisions. It does not process any change packages that are associated with intermediate revisions.
Error terminates the operation if other change packages are required but are not specified.
Skip Revisions causes Windchill RV&S to merge around specified backfill revisions.
Ask to Specify allows you to select the specific change packages you want to include.
Resynchronize Change Package Advanced Options
Use Master causes Windchill RV&S to operate on the top-level sandbox. When the selected change package is associated with a member in a subsandbox, specifying Use Master causes the command to operate on the top-level sandbox for that subsandbox.
Span Projects applies the command to any member specified in the change package, even if this involves multiple projects. This option allows Windchill RV&S to search across local sandboxes for all entries in the selected change packages.
Perform Merges prompts you for confirmation before performing a merge operation.
Allow Open Change Packages allows Windchill RV&S to work with open change packages. This facilitates the application of a resolution change package.
Raise error if member is already in project causes Windchill RV&S to terminate the operation if the member being applied is already in the project. If this setting is negated (as in noAlreadyInProjectIsError), the information displays as a warning.
Raise error if member of other project terminates the command if the member is not in the project you are applying to or in its variant.
Ignore Server in Change Package causes Windchill RV&S to perform the Resync Change Package operation even if the change package members reside on different servers.
Ignore Cross-Branch Entries causes Windchill RV&S to use the most recent revision when it encounters two revisions of the same member on different branches.
Ignore Update Revision Entries ignores update revision entries in a change package. There is no user prompt.
Propagate Subprojects determines how Windchill RV&S treats subproject operations required by the specified change packages.
You can select from the following options:
Explicitly adds, drops, or moves a subproject only if there is an explicit command to do so in the change package.
Implicitly adds, drops, or moves a subproject if the operation is implicitly required based on the change package entries. For example, assume that you are adding a member that is part of a subproject that does not exist in the larger project being updated. The subproject is added. If you are resynchronizing change packages created in an earlier version of Windchill RV&S (Source Windchill RV&S), it is recommended that you use this option.
Resynchronize Out of Scope File specifies if to include entries for members in the change package that do not match the scope definition of the sandbox.
Restore Revision Timestamp sets the timestamp of the working file (that the revision is checked out to) to the date and time of the revision in the history. If this option is not set, the working file’s timestamp is set to the current date and time.
Force Overwrite Even if Unchanged overwrites the working file even if it is unchanged.
Remove Working File if Out of Scope removes a current member’s working file if it does not match the sandbox scope definition. For example, the scope definition or member changes (such as modified member attributes). Sandbox Scope defines what project members are included in the sandbox, transferring specific members from the Windchill RV&S server to the sandbox directory when the sandbox is created and controlling what members display in the Sandbox view.
Recurse Into Subprojects recursively reverts members in selected subprojects.
Overwrite Working File if Changed overwrites the working file if it has changed.
Overwrite if Deferred Operation Exists overwrites the working file if the file has changed and there is a deferred operation pending on the member.
Keywords allows you to select keyword options when reverting a member.
To leave keywords unexpanded, select Do Not Expand.
To replace keywords in the revision with literal values in the working file, select Expand.
To replace literal values in the revision with keywords, select Unexpand.
Set Member Rule
Store Expanded Revision sets the rule to the numeric revision number instead of the symbolic revision. For example, assume that you set the rule according to the ReadyForQA label and select the Store Expanded Revision option. The revision that currently corresponds to the ReadyForQA label is stored and always used when the rule is applied. This occurs even if the label later moves to another revision.
Confirm Rule Clearing causes a confirmation window to open for confirming that the rule be cleared.
Override Rule overrides the existing member rule.
Snapshot Sandbox
Apply Label to All Members applies the snapshot label to all project members.
Notify when Complete specifies whether to open a notification window when the operation completes.
Apply State to All Members applies the snapshot state to all project members.
Author is the author name applied to the snapshot. Type a name in the Author field. If you do not type a name, Windchill RV&S uses the current user name.
Use the change package provided when the element was deferred selects the change package that was originally associated with the deferred item.
Override the change package to a specified value allows you to select a different change package from the one that was originally associated with the deferred item.
Close Change Package closes the change package after the element is submitted.
Submit Change Package
Close Change Package closes the change package after submitting the item and completing the associated deferred operation.
Commit Changes/Submit for Review (if reviews are mandatory) creates pending entries without submitting the change package for review.
Allow submit to proceed with deferred entries submits the changes to the repository or for review. This occurs even if there are deferred entries retained through the cancel of an operation during the submit. For example, the check in of an unchanged file could have been canceled
Ignore Absence of Deferred/Lock Entries submits the changes package even if there are no deferred or lock entries.
Show Successful Submit specifies whether to open a window that indicates the successful submission of a change package.
Recurse Into Subprojects recursively thaws members in subprojects.
Downgrade/Remove Lock
Break Lock breaks the lock to downgrade or remove it.
Recurse Into Subprojects recursively downgrades or removes locks on subproject members.
Update Revision
Defer Update Revision delays the update operation until the deferred operation is submitted. The operation in the sandbox takes place immediately.
Close Change Package closes the associated change package on command completion.
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