To specify a display pattern
Where applicable to a numeric field, select a display pattern from the Display Pattern list and modify it, or create one by combining a currency symbol, text that represents a measurement, and/or one or more of the following characters:
Displays as zero in output.
For example, display pattern 000.00 displays input value 12.14 as 012.14 in numeric field.
Displays as digit in output. If digit is zero and it is leading or trailing input value, it is left out of value displayed in numeric field.
For example, display pattern #0.00 displays input value 0.126 as 0.13 in numeric field.
Locale specific decimal separator.
For example, display pattern #,###.00 displays input value 12345.123 as 12,345.12 in numeric field.
Minus sign.
For example, display pattern -#### displays input value 1234 as -1234 in numeric field.
Locale specific grouping separator.
For example, display pattern $#,### displays input value 12345.123 as $12,345 in numeric field of U.S. locale and $12.345 in numeric field of German locale.
Scientific notation.
For example, display pattern 0.###E0 displays input value 123456 as 1.235E5 in numeric field.
Separates positive and negative patterns.
For example, display pattern #,###;(#,###)displays input value -12345 as (12,345) in numeric field.
Multiplies by 100 and displays as percentage.
For example, display pattern "#.#'%'" displays input value 0.06 as 6% in numeric field.
Escapes special characters. To create a single quote, use two single quotes together ('').
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