Testing ViewSets
After you have advanced through the Publish ViewSet Wizard, you can test your ViewSet before finally publishing it to the Windchill RV&S server for users to download and import.
To test a ViewSet, from the Publish ViewSet Wizard click the Test ViewSet button. The TestViewSet GUI displays.
The TestViewSet GUI provides you with a way to test the ViewSet to see how it appears and functions, just as it would in the Windchill RV&S client; however, the TestViewSet GUI has the following restrictions:
• You can only test one ViewSet at a time.
• You can only customize the ViewSet, not perform other ViewSet modifications.
• You cannot perform any client customization. For example, there is no preference editing or integration editing.
• You cannot save changes you make to the open ViewSets
Part of testing how a ViewSet appears to users is viewing the Customize ViewSet dialog box. It is the same dialog box that users see and use from the Windchill RV&S client. This can be useful to ensure that the correct editability settings have been specified for ViewSet actions and action groups. For information on customizing the ViewSet, see the User documentation.