To publish a ViewSet using the Windchill RV&S administration client
1. From the ViewSets view, select the ViewSet you want to publish.
2. Select > . The Publish ViewSet wizard displays Step 1.
Windchill RV&S tracks the ViewSet independently of the name you assign it. Even if you rename a ViewSet, that same ViewSet is updated (overwritten) when you publish it again. If you want to retain the original, create and edit a copy of the ViewSet instead.
To advance to the next step, click Next.
3. Specify how users are able to use the ViewSet.
• If the ViewSet has been previously published, the permissions default to those of the ViewSet version on the server.
• If the ViewSet has not been previously published, the permissions default to include your user ID (as the user publishing the ViewSet).
To advance to the next step, click Next.
4. Views that are open in the ViewSet have default settings you may want to impose on the user. Specify the settings to include (or clear to exclude) in the ViewSet for the view named in the View Name field by enabling (or clearing) the selection in the Include column. This process may take several steps because there is a separate panel in the wizard for each view open in the ViewSet.
Only settings that correspond to a command are available.
The following information is depicted in the panel:
◦ View Name displays the name of the view, for example Items.
◦ View Title displays the title that appears in the view tab, such as Query:QuickQuery.
◦ Include specifies if to include the setting value in the field.
◦ Setting Name displays the name of the setting.
◦ Setting Value displays the value the setting is currently set to.
To include all settings, click Select All. To clear all settings, click Clear All. To advance to the panel for each view step, click Next.
5. When you have advanced through all of the settings panels for views, a panel displays that provides you with the means to test your ViewSet. The ViewSet is launched in the TestViewSet GUI using the settings changes made in the previous wizard steps.
6. When you are finished with the Publish ViewSet wizard, click Finish.
If the ViewSet is replacing an existing published ViewSet, The Confirm Overwrite Existing Server ViewSet dialog box displays. To update the existing ViewSet with your changes, click Yes.
The ViewSet is published to the Windchill RV&S server, and the unpublished ViewSet duplicate is deleted (no longer appears in the ViewSets view).