Report Wizard Components
The Report Wizard is made up of the following components:
Report recipe files
Report property files
Report Wizard images
Report Wizard styles
Report Wizard style samples
Report Recipe Files
Report recipe files are text files without a file extension, for example, Basic - HTML, Column. The file name appears as the name of the report in the Report Wizard. PTC recommends choosing a short, but descriptive name for the report recipe file.
Recipes contain special Windchill RV&S report tags and HTML, XML, plain text (CSV), or JavaScript to report on item information and control presentation.
To display a report recipe in the Report Wizard, the report recipe file must reside in the following directory:
server installdir/data/reports/recipes
Report Property Files
To support localization, the report recipes that are displayed in the Report Wizard use property files, with the .properties file extension. The property files must reside in the following location: server installdir/data/reports/recipes/properties. For English report recipes, the name format of the property file is, for example For other languages, the name format of the property file is RecipeNameRB_locale, for example, for Japanese.
Report Wizard Images
Report Wizard images display beside the report description in the Report Wizard to provide a visual indication of the report layout. Valid image formats include GIF, JPEG or PNG.
Images must have the same file name as the corresponding recipe file, for example, Basic - HTML, Column.gif. Report Wizard images reside in the following directory:
server installdir/data/reports/recipes/images
Report Wizard Styles
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) files provide formatting for HTML reports, allowing you to choose distinct styles for reports when they are viewed in a browser or printed. You can create your own report styles to reflect your organization’s corporate colors and fonts.
Creating report styles requires knowledge of CSS. This guide does not offer assistance with CSS coding. If you are not familiar with CSS coding you should not attempt to create or modify a CSS file.
Screen styles (when viewing the report in a browser) reside in the following directory:
server installdir/data/reports/styles/screen
Print styles (when printing the report) reside in the following directory:
server installdir/data/reports/styles/printer
Style sheet files must be in CSS format with a .css extension
Report Wizard Style Samples
When a style is selected in the Report Wizard, a style sample displays to provide a visual preview.
Report screen and printer style samples in the Report Wizard
A Report Wizard style sample must have the same file name as the screen and printer styles, and end in .css.htm. For example, a style sample for the Color Scheme 1.css style is Color Scheme 1.css.htm.
Screen style samples reside in the following directory:
server installdir/data/reports/styles/screen/samples
Properties for Screen style samples reside in the following directory:
server installdir/data/reports/styles/screen/samples/properties
Print style samples reside in the following directory:
server installdir/data/reports/styles/printer/samples
Properties for print style samples reside in the following directory:
server installdir/data/reports/styles/printer/samples/properties
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