Server Administration > Reports > Creating a Report Recipe > To create a custom report recipe
To create a custom report recipe
The following procedure details how to create a report recipe by beginning with a copy of an existing recipe. You can, however, create a recipe simply using the available tags. For it to display in the Report Wizard, the report recipe, and any of its associated files, must be placed in the correct directories.
Once the modified files are in the correct locations, the changes are automatically detected when you run the Report Wizard. You do not need to restart the Windchill RV&S server.
1. Select an example recipe to use, then make a copy of the file. Example recipes are located in the following directory:
where installdir is the path to the directory where you installed the Windchill RV&S server.
Rename the copied example recipe to the name you want to display in the Report Wizard. Then open the recipe file in a text editor, and make the necessary modifications using the tags described in Report Tags.
2. For the report recipe to support localization, a property file must be created for each supported language, with keys as tokens defined in the recipe file and values as the actual content.
Select the property file for the report recipe, then make a copy of it. Report properties files are located in the following directory:
where installdir is the path to the directory where you installed the Windchill RV&S server.
To support backward compatibility, some report recipes may not have properties files.
3. If you are creating an HTML report recipe, create the necessary style files.
a. Create a CSS file for the screen style and place it in:
Any styles in this directory are available for selection in the Screen Style field of the Style panel of the Report Wizard.
b. Create a style sample for the screen style by adding an HTM extension to the print style. For example, Color Scheme 1.css would become Color Scheme 1.css.htm. Place the file in:
c. Create a CSS file for the print style and place it in:
Any styles in this directory are available for selection in the Printer Style field of the Style panel of the Report Wizard.
d. Create a style sample for the print style by adding an HTM extension to the print style. For example, Color Scheme 1.css becomes Color Scheme 1.css.htm. Place the file in:
This style sample displays on the Style panel of the Report Wizard when the corresponding screen style is selected, providing information on the colors and fonts used in the style.
4. Optionally, create a company logo image for the report in JPEG, GIF, or PNG format. Place the image in:
Any logo images in this directory are available for selection on the Logo panel of the Report Wizard.
5. Optionally, create an image to display in the Type panel of the Report Wizard for this recipe. This small image represents the layout of the report recipe to help users decide which report type to use. The image must be in JPEG, GIF, or PNG format and must match the report recipe name. Place the image in:
The report recipe is available for selection from the Report Wizard.
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