Server Administration > Administration Client > Administration Client Preferences > Authorization Administration Preferences > To configure Authorization Administration preferences from the GUI
To configure Authorization Administration preferences from the GUI
integrity setprefs
1. Select Tools > Preferences. The Preferences Configuration window displays.
2. In the tree pane under Authorization Administration, select the Connection node. The Connection pane displays.
3. Configure the following options:
a. Under Default Server Connection, specify the following options:
To specify a default Windchill RV&S server to connect to, in the Host Name field type the name of the server or the numerical IP address.
In the Port field, type the port number.
To be prompted for the default Windchill RV&S server name and port number each time you log in to Authorization Administration, select the Prompt for Host Name and Port option.
b. Under User, specify the following options:
In the User Name field, type the user name you want to set as the default user.
In the Password field, type a password for the user.
To be prompted for the default user name each time you log in to Authorization Administration, select the Prompt for: User Name option.
To be prompted for the default password each time you log in to Authorization Administration, select the Prompt for: Password option.
If the security scheme at your site is Windows Single Sign-On (NTSS), the Prompt for: User Name and Prompt for: Password options are ignored unless you specify a user name that is different than the logged in user name.
4. To save your preferences, click OK.
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