Refreshed Web Interface > Common Refreshed Web Interface Operations > Using the Column Manager
Using the Column Manager
Use the Column Manager to customize the columns that are displayed to users in the Search Results table. You can use the fields in the Column Manager to define custom columns in the search results table. The Title and ID fields are always displayed as a part of the result set but you can display or hide the rest of the fields by configuring the columns as described in this topic.
For complex fields such as parameter values, a comma-separated list is displayed as the column field value. The column headers are displayed according to the order specified in the Column Manager.
To configure columns:
1. Select one or more fields from the Available list and click to move the fields to the Selected list. To move all available fields to the Selected list, click .
Search results will be reloaded once new columns are configured.
To reorder the fields in the Search Results table:
1. Select one or more fields in the Selected list and click or to move the selected fields one level above or one level below the list respectively.
2. Select one or more fields in the Selected list and click or to move the selected fields directly to the end of the list or top of the list.
The column headers in the Search Results table appear according to the order specified in the Selected list.
You cannot change the position of the column that is displayed for the Title field in the Search Results table using the Column Manager. To change the position of the column, hover over the column header, press the left mouse button, and drag the column to the desired location.
Key Considerations for Column Manager
The Column Manager displays the fields from all Types that are in the result set. You can use the Column Manager to change the column display view for the current session. If you log in from another browser, the newly added columns are not displayed.
If you update the column configuration during a browser session, the same configuration is retained until the browser session ends.
For a new search initiated on an existing column set, there will be no results for incompatible fields.
The Search Results table shows an empty value for a column if the fields are not relevant to the search.