• The field mentioned as the value of the MKS.RQ.field.comment.reviewersField property cannot be an empty field, the field must be added to the Visible Fields for the document type.
• The reviewers must be added and saved before the document moves to the state which mentioned as the value for MKS.RQ.type.comments.stateField.value property.
• Any edits to the list of reviewers in the active review session is not supported. To assign revised list of reviewers for the document, you must abort the current review session by moving the document state from the state defined in the value of the MKS.RQ.type.comments.stateField.value property to an earlier state. Update the reviewers list and then move the document to the state defined in the value of the MKS.RQ.type.comments.stateField.value property. This creates a new review session with the revised list of reviewers.
• The document and the nodes should not be edited when the document moves to the state which is mentioned as the value for MKS.RQ.type.comments.stateField.value property.