Refreshed Web Interface > Editing and Formatting Rich Content
Editing and Formatting Rich Content
You are presented with a rich content toolbar once you start updating rich content in DocStudio or editing in the Refreshed Web Interface. This toolbar provides easy-to-use features to edit the content. The options on the editing toolbar are similar to word processing applications such as Microsoft Word. The rich text editor comes with commonly used features such as formatting text, inserting links, creating tables, inserting images, and so on.
Options on the Rich Content Toolbar
The rich content toolbar has over thirty options that include several drop-down lists. You can hover your cursor over any option on the toolbar to view its description. Some of the options are described here:
Insert: Use these options to insert the following:
Item Link
Attachment Link
Horizontal line
Special character
Cross Reference
The link for new local files that are inserted as attachment links works only after a Save or an Apply operation.
In the Refreshed Web Interface, the insert Bookmark and Cross Reference options on the rich text toolbar are available only from DocStudio.
For conceptual information and key considerations on bookmarking and cross-referencing in rich text fields see, Bookmarking and Cross-Referencing Documents.
DocStudio lets you delete a bookmark without deleting the content used for creating the bookmark. To delete the bookmark, click Delete in the Insert Bookmark dialog box that opens when you select the bookmark and click Insert > Bookmark on the rich content toolbar. The Delete option is disabled when you are editing the bookmark name or display text.
Alignment : Use options in this list to apply Left, Center, Right, or Justify alignment to the selected text.
Format Painter : Use this option to copy formatting.
Remove Link : Use this option to remove all types of links from the selected content. For example, hyperlinks, item links, attachment links, and cross references.
Apply Case : Use options in this list to apply Lower case, Upper case, or Title case to selected text.
Word Count : Use this option to display the word count.
Insert date/time : Use options in this list to insert date and time.
For more information on the other options on the rich content toolbar, see the topic Working with Rich Content
Accessing the Full Screen Mode
You can also edit rich text using the full screen mode. To switch between editing in the rich text field area and in the full screen mode, click on the rich content toolbar.
On switching between editing in the rich text field area and in the full screen mode in DocStudio, the Undo and Redo history for rich text is lost.
On editing rich text in the Refreshed Web Interface, Undo and Redo history for rich text is lost after clicking outside the rich text editor.
Considerations While Working with Rich Content in the Refreshed Web Interface
Item View: Consider the following when using the Rich Text Editor (RTE) in the Item View:
A maximum of seven rows are displayed for editing in the rich text editor.
When you click outside the rich text editing area after editing, the Apply, Save, and Cancel options are enabled.
When the focus is inside the rich text editor, all global shortcuts related to the item edit mode such as Apply, Save, Cancel, Undo, Redo, and so on are not applicable.
If a file is inserted as an Attachment Link, it is displayed in the corresponding Attachment field and the Attachment field becomes read-only.
The Undo operation removes both the attachment link from the rich text and the associated attachment from the corresponding Attachment field.
The Redo operation adds both the rich text and the associated attachment in the corresponding Attachment field.
You can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate the rich content. For details, see Navigating Rich Text Editor (RTE).
When editing a rich content field in the Refreshed Web Interface, an error message is displayed if the number of characters exceeds the limit that is set for the field. To maintain the character limit, delete the characters that are not required, and then click Apply or Save.
If the data in the rich text field contains complex data such as images, or links, use the Source code option in the rich content toolbar to view the content in the editor.
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